Hong Kong in faces - are they the same as us?
I'm sorting through my photo archives here in Hong Kong and I wanted to share some photos from there. Probably, if you go to any folder with a trip, you will immediately have a desire to put something on the network. Honestly, over time, the eye gets blurry and all the pictures become approximately the same worthy / not worthy of being published. It seems like it turns out that there are only a couple of really great photos from the trip, but how to choose from the rest of the bulk is not clear :) Therefore, I usually publish a lot at once and in various articles.
What kind of people live in Hong Kong, I don't know. However, how do I know, I was there for only 5 days. Probably, in the same way, they laugh and cry, love and hate, reconcile and swear, have patriotic feelings or want to emigrate, strive for various goals or simply float in the stream of life. Unfortunately, I just can't remember the faces, and I hardly distinguish, for example, the Chinese from the Koreans, more or less I can only distinguish the Thais. And given that there are a lot of tourists in Hong Kong, it is even more difficult to get confused about who is who..
I already wrote a little about crowded hong kong and again I repeat - there are a lot of people in the city center, unusually many, but for some reason this is not at all annoying. Maybe because this is Asia and is much different here? Again, I don’t know. Perhaps I just have a preconceived opinion because of my love for Asia and travel ?. I remember once we rode around Europe for a month, and then went straight to Tai for the winter, this was a strong contrast between the two civilizations, considering that this was my first visit to any Asian country. On the day the plane landed in Bangkok, from a passionate lover of slicked and well-groomed Europe, I became a fan «dirty» and «smelly» Asia, completely forgetting about European countries :)
Nevertheless, the question of why some people in Asia feel especially good / comfortable / joyful remains open. Until that winter, I had no idea that I would get so stuck.
Hong Kong in faces
Like in our subway, someone is asleep, someone is on the phone
Is it good to be a pensioner in Hong Kong??
Figures in Kowloon Park
Straw Hats Cleaners
Memes near the Avenue of Stars
There is where to run
A very long and beautiful manuscript
To understand what he writes
She looks kind of discontented and detached
A fan of Batman, or maybe he himself?
Our people, you can even see it on their faces :)
Household sketch
They are so many years old, and he still holds her shoulder
8 people and all photographers
Dodgy grandfather, throws one plate after another
Youth draws something
Probably dressed up for Halloween
I want the same hair
Purely feminine - crock with flowers
Musicians of the local Arbat
Musicians of the local Arbat
Local Zadornov on TV, the crowd stands and laughs
Crowded Hong Kong
People and signs
You can get lost in the crowd
It's good to sit like this
Where is a modern woman without makeup
Romantic love story
Romantic love story in Hong Kong
The hat is our everything
Hong Kong in faces
Where is the tourist, and where is the locals, you can't make out
Costumed barkers
My face is now also related to this country