How much are flights to Milan?

Famous cities and countries of the world are notable for the fact that each person has their image, which has developed like a mosaic of vivid pictures, excerpts from favorite films and famous paintings. Such a country is Italy, familiar to us from some fragments, but not understood from afar.

Getting here, you understand: Italy is the happiest country in the world, because these lands are created for enjoyment. Do you consider yourself cold, have lost your taste for life and are disappointed in everything? Find out urgently the price of air tickets to Milan (I advise you to use and for this, I use it myself) and go on a trip. Here pedants become infected with carelessness, the sick recover, the sad ones become sensual, and the lovers simply lose their heads..

Under the cheerful rays of the Italian sun, under the generous streams of bardolino, valpolicello and chianti, thanks to the bright colors of the happy south, intoxicated by the pungent smell of the sea - age recedes and diseases go away. If you get here, you are guaranteed to forget that you were interested in other destinations.

Italy is very different. These are very small towns, water park slides, large beaches, purple bougainvillea and toy San Marino. Here the peaks of the Apennines melt in a hot haze, and like a painted sky is overturned into the sea. The essence of the Italian Mediterranean cannot be summed up in a nutshell.

Italy is a very bright and colorful picture, where rainbows hang in the spray of a fountain. These are the green of the pines and the silver of the olives. It also includes olive oil, delicious wine, cheese and marinari spaghetti. And also these are narrow streets, constantly hung up to the sky with washed linen, delicious and very cheap food in small restaurants and Italian supercars, which are very expensive by our standards, which are assembled here, near Modena..

In Milan, on the Piazza del Duomo, you can meet Giorgio Armani or Christian Verdi. Spring morning, girls drinking espresso from microscopic cups on the go - you want to savor such Milanese everyday life and drink very small sips.

Italy is like a magic box with countless treasures. It contains the wonders of the Apennine villages, Piazza Roma, Venice lace with bizarre patterns of narrow bridges, ancient Ravenna, swallow nests sticking to the tops of the mountains, Campania soaring high in the sky, Venetian nights, the rustle of boats and the quiet lapping of waves. The carefree blue of the Adriatic and the hot colors of the South - this is Italy, the happiest country in the world. No one except Italians knows how to enjoy life so much, transferring this delight to us - happy tourists who instantly assimilate in this country into a new life.