Impressions of Moscow and useful conclusions after separation from family

After our wintering in Thailand, we already wrote an article about our impressions of Russia. This time, after my solo trip, I again wanted to share some of the moments that I noticed on my return. True, some of them are connected with me (with us) personally.

The content of the article


First of all, you notice the difference in temperature. It is logical, right? :) But really, if you leave in the fall and come in the spring, as many winterers do, you won't feel anything, but I caught a temperature difference of 70 degrees! In Bangkok it was +35, in Novosibirsk -38, in Moscow -20. You won't die, of course, but the contrast is wow! I go out into the street - my breath catches and the thought spins, well, how can you live in such a cold?!

View from Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok

View from Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok

View from Domodedovo airport in Moscow

View from Domodedovo airport in Moscow

However, the temperature tests did not end there. In our apartment, the temperature turned out to be at the level of the feet of 18 degrees, and at the level of the face, 22. But I literally just adapted to once again living in guesthouses without an air conditioner with only one fan or even without it, when you walk around the room in some shorts and you enjoy 26-30 degrees of heat. Skill pumped in the heat, now you need to pump it back to the cold. I remember when I was young I swam all year round, it's time to return those times.

When I first flew to Thailand, it was very unusual for the sun to drop sharply below the horizon at 6 pm. In Moscow, it wakes up for a very long time. You get up at 8-9 in the morning, and it's dark outside! For a week now I can’t get used to it, it seems that it’s still night in the yard and I need to continue to sleep.

Humidity! She's not here! The lips were chapped by the evening of the first day. The feeling of dry hands and skin in general does not leave for a minute. There is a humidifier, but it does not save.


Probably many people know that I'm a fan Thai food and fruit. Therefore, I have nothing special to eat in Moscow in winter. Moreover, neither then in six months, nor now in two months, I did not have time to miss our traditional food at all. Well, maybe I only ate black bread with pleasure ... And now there are only tangerines with persimmons from fruits, it's sad. In addition, now you still need to cook everything yourself, I am lazy :)

Brought real Pad Thai like a piece of Thailand


Our people live harsh and morally ready for anything, there is no reason to smile at them. Already on the plane it was felt that we were not returning to heaven on earth.

Returning to the harsh winter


From the penultimate post, in principle, it is clear that we have a catastrophic amount of things. Since in our family I am a suppressor of chaos and a structurer of everything and everyone, I grabbed my head when I saw what kind of work I had to do - urgently figure out how to arrange everything conveniently on shelves and drawers. And I got on so well with only one backpack for these two months. The beauty! Everything I need with me and can be carried from place to place, a kind of turtle with its own mobile home. It gives just an amazing feeling of freedom.!

I'm a little turtle


Yegor has grown so much! Other reactions, another smile, trying to say ma-ma-ma. Indeed, children grow up so quickly, even their own, not strangers. On the second day, he got used to me and began to perceive me as a family, I was so worried whether he recognized. But all the same, he did not understand whether he compared me with the person who had been with him since birth or not. I wonder how children's memory is arranged?

The Life-trip team is assembled again :)

Probably, some people did not understand my departure for such a long period. And in fact, it was not planned by us. Daria and Egor were supposed to come to Thailand, but an unplanned course of treatment and massage began, which could not be canceled. Despite the separation, we both realized that in some way it was for the best, and we are glad that we received our lessons and were able to understand a lot. For example, Daria realized how much I kept in the house (cleaning, cooking, travel) and why, because of this, I did not have enough time for work. I realized no less clearly that single trips are only good for short ones, and for a long time it is better to leave with your family, otherwise you will mentally still be with them. And of course, my main conclusion is that it's good where the family is, despite the geography, climate, food, work and other conditions.!

P.S. All with the coming and have a nice working day! And we went to Ikea for the rack, hands itching to upgrade space. If anyone is going there today too, write :)