Kao Khad Views Tower in Phuket - Best 360 Degree Observation Deck

Do you love viewpoints the way I love them? So you know for sure that panoramic observation decks are the best thing that can happen to you when you choose a place for beautiful photos. Khao Khad View Tower, or Khao Kad Observation Tower in Phuket, is one such wonderful place. In terms of interest, it surpassed and Monkey Hill with his monkeys, and Lookout Rank Hill with her restaurants. Not only is the location in this part of the island itself quite elevated, but also the Thais hurried up and built a tower on the mountain. Large, three-level tower.

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Kao Khad Views Tower

The height of the Kao Khad Views Tower is about 12 meters, as stated on the stand describing the attraction. It seemed to me (and this is strange), but the observation tower of Khao Kad is not a very popular place, but it is here that it makes sense to go to every lover of good views. An authentic building with a large parking lot at the base of the stairs, stunning views, desertedness - for me this is the best observation deck in Phuket with a panoramic view. The view is not obstructed by anything, no tops of palm trees or the slopes of the neighboring hill for you - here you can calmly stare in all directions. The tower is located on a high, but such a wide hill that the height is not striking while you climb up the serpentine.

I read somewhere that it was abandoned, but in fact, in February 2017, the entire area around the Kao Khad Views Tower was removed, the bushes were trimmed, the flower beds were watered and the workers near the parking lot were renewing the roofs of the tents. As I understand it, an expansion of development is planned here, or they are making a site for shops and they will sell something here. At the time of my arrival, only one stall was open with all kinds of tourist souvenir trifles. Also, a little on the other side of the hill, some kind of green building appeared, also in the process of construction.

I have a feeling that if the viewpoint was abandoned, now it is obvious from everything that they decided to do it. Money is invested in the improvement of the territory, and the result on the exhaust is very positive. The entrance is free for now, I hope it will remain so. The only thing that, in my opinion, is not ice - the fact that there is a place not far from Phuket Town and it will take a long time to travel from the west coast, where the bulk of visiting tourists rest. The view from the tower is really gorgeous. Especially in good weather, you can see small islands around Phuket, neighboring bays, in general - I recommend.

If the barrier is closed, then you can leave the car in front of it and go on foot

If the barrier is closed, then you can leave the car in front of it and go on foot

Upstairs near the parking lot

Upstairs near the parking lot

Lookout Khao Khad in Phuket

Has not yet risen, but already the views

The best viewpoint in Phuket

Some objects of the panorama are signed

Construction or renovation of stalls

Going back

Information to visit

Opening hours are from 6 am to 7 pm, and in fact - from dawn to dusk. Before the exit to the tower there is a barrier on which it is written that the Kao Khad Views Tower is open from 9 to 18, but it seems to me that no one bothers to leave the transport near the barrier and then go on foot if you suddenly decide to get here at another time. The only moment is that the barrier is at the bottom of the hill, so you have to go up on foot. The road up the hill is steep enough.

Inside the tower there is a schematic representation of the objects below - it is convenient and informative, pay attention to this.

On the map

Khao Khad View Tower

Khao Khad View Tower
The tower with an observation deck, for me this is the best viewpoint in Phuket with a 360-degree panoramic view. It is not blocked by anything and you can calmly stare in all directions. It is located on a small hill and at the same time the tower itself has a height of several floors.
More about the viewpoint.

The tower with an observation deck, for me this is the best viewpoint in Phuket with a 360-degree panoramic view. It is not blocked by anything and you can calmly stare in all directions. It is located on a small hill and at the same time the tower itself has a height of several floors..