Manor Dubrovitsy and the Church of the Sign - the only temple in the Baroque style

For a long time we thought about where to go on the weekend, but since we got up late, and then got ready for a long time (we have such a sin to do everything for a long time), instead of Voskresensk, we went to the Dubrovitsy estate, as it is not far away. Actually, this was the last place next to us, so now we will drive further from home, perhaps even with an overnight stay, at the same time we will find out what it is like to spend the night in a tent with a small child. It's time to start, otherwise we put it off and put it off, summer is already in full swing, we won't have time to blink an eye, as it will pass.

The content of the article

Crew composition

We had the same line-up for this trip. So far, no one is joining us :)

Photoblogger and navigator :)

Photoblogger and navigator :)

Spaceship pilot

Spaceship pilot

Manor Dubrovitsy and Church of the Sign

At the moment, the Dubrovitsy estate is the least interesting of what we have already seen. Moreover, memories of shady alleys and dilapidated buildings are still alive in the memory. estate Sukhanovo... I don't want to offend anyone, but apart from the Church of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, there is nothing to see in Dubrovitsy.

It was built by the order of Prince Golitsyn by unknown architects at the end of the 17th century. According to the priest-guide, there are no such baroque churches in Russia anymore, and the sculptures of saints on the roof are especially unique - nonsense for Orthodox architecture. And due to the fact that it was so strikingly different from ordinary temples, Patriarch Adrian did not even want to illuminate it, and for a number of years it remained unlit. On my own I want to note that she reminded me a little Temple of Truth in Pattaya, not style, of course, but the amount of small details. Moreover, the Church of the Sign seems small only from afar, but when you come close, this feeling immediately disappears.

Church of the Sign from the standard side

Temple of the Sign

Saint John Chrysostom

It shines straight in the sun

Many figures and bas-reliefs on the roof

The walls are embossed and have many details

Higher walls - carved paving stones

The foundation of the temple is only 70 cm, so there is a wall and a boost layer around it

Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin

Excursion to Dubrovitsy

You cannot take pictures in the Temple of the Sign

A Brief Description of the History of the Church of the Sign

Openwork bridge and stairs to the observation deck

A very strong family, apparently

stairway to Heaven

I like the view of the church from the observation deck much more.

I like the view of the church from the observation deck much more.

Local rock art

Strange gnawed trees

A period of rapid growth of some beetle population

So it's worth going to Dubrovitsy only for the sake of the Italian Baroque, as well as for a walk in the fresh air, or, as an option, swimming in the Pakhra (and Desna) river. There is no park as such, rather a large meadow and paths, plus a small linden alley. However, you can also find a shadow, and free space on the lush grass, although there are a lot of people on a weekend, and almost every one of them is a photographer.

Curved like a professional photographer

Another professional photographer

Rookery in Dubrovitsy

Linden Alley in Dubrovitsy

In a linden alley they got a little bit

Brutal man walking a hamster dog

Painting Hunters at rest

Someone is smart enough to ride a jet ski down a narrow river full of people

Where on the weekend without fishing

Romantic walks in Dubrovitsy

Sit well

Pakhra in Dubrovitsy

My wife caught me while talking to my son

And from the estate itself, the main building of the main house remained, in the last century rebuilt after a fire, and in which the registry office and other organizations are now located, and several other small buildings.

Registry office in Dubrovitsy

Wedding in Dubrovitsy

Tormented Fashion Model

Typical castle landscape

Manor Dubrovitsy how to get there

It is not difficult to get to the Durovitsy estate by public transport. First, get by train from the Kursk railway station to the Podolsk station and then by bus 65 to the village of Dubrovitsy. So maybe there is also bus 417 from the Yuzhnaya metro station and to Dubrovitsy.

By car, you need to go along the Varshavskoe highway through Podolsk. On the way there will be signs to the Dubrovitsy Estate and the Znamenskaya Church. The road is simple, always in a straight line, literally two right turns.

Wrong parking in Dubrovitsy

Correct car park, free and in the shade

Very sad plush dog in someone's car

Here is the site of the temple in Dubrovitsy, kind of official -, there you can read more about the history.

Where are Dubrovitsy on the map

Manor Dubrovitsy

Manor Dubrovitsy
The Dubrovitsy estate is located right on the river bank. The parking is obvious (near the gates of the estate and the highway) and not obvious (on the other side, where are the residential buildings).
Read about the homestead

The Dubrovitsy estate is located right on the river bank. The parking is obvious (near the gate of the estate and the road) and not obvious (on the other side, where there are residential buildings).