Mount Nexis - Mountain of Mood

I'll tell you a little about Mount Nexis, which is located in the Caucasus near Gelendzhik. The first association that comes to mind when remembering Mount Nexis is a change of mood. Why it so happened is unknown to me, but every time I find myself there my mood changes. On the first visit I remember it was somehow very good. Well, that's just fine and that's it. Moreover, quite suddenly, and nothing foreshadowed such a turn of events. I'll make a reservation right away, I didn't use anything.

The second time a year later, my friends and I for some reason began to fool around: we stood on our heads, somersaulted. And all the participants in the conquest of the summit had this cheerful state. Then, I was there several more times, and each time the mood changed. Sometimes seriously meditative.

The content of the article

Walk to Mount Nexis

Mount Nexis

Sunset on Mount Nexis

This is how we went down the mountain

Mount Nexis is an ordinary mountain in the vicinity of Gelendzhik, 400 m high, and is unremarkable if it were not for 2 dolmens on its top: the Solnechny dolmen and the Lunny dolmen. It is believed that one must come to the Lunar Dolmen at sunset and meet the moon, and wait for the sunrise at the Solar Dolmen. Who came up with and whether there is a justification I do not know. We walked that way, in the evening and with an overnight stay. You can spend the night both inside the dolmen and on it. And if religion does not allow, then you can bring a tent with you to put up next to it, but you have to be prepared for a strong wind - it blows away.

If you do not know what dolmens are, then here is my article - Dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory, and if you know, here's a small map of the dolmens of Gelendzhik.

Dolmen Sunny. Mount Neskis.

Dolmen Lunar on Mount Nexis.

The Nexis Mountain offers a magnificent view of the Gelendzhik Bay and the surrounding mountains. Also, if you walk a little along the ridge, you can see Divnomorsk.

View of the Gelendzhik Bay.

View of Divnomorsk.

View of the Gelendzhik mountains from the Nexis mountain.

View of the Gelendzhik mountains from the Nexis mountain.

Photos of the last trip

Quarry that may prevent mountains

View of the road towards Sochi

Flower road

Sunset on Mount Nexis

Sunset over Gelendzhik Bay

What is the best way to climb Mount Nexis

What else to see in Gelendzhik
Where to stay in Gelendzhik - a selection of hotels

If you go from the direction of Gelendzhik, then leaving in the village of Svetly, you need to walk 200 meters ahead along the highway, and almost opposite the gas station there will be a left turn, up the gravel road. Walk along it for about an hour, or less, go straight at the first fork, turn left at the second fork. Then go along the ridge of the mountain until you hit the dolmens.