Have you been to Pisa? And I was not. But you know about the leaning tower of Pisa, and I know. Everyone knows about her. But there are many falling and inclined towers in the world. Yes, and we have such in Russia, and not one, as it turned out.
Once I was accidentally carried to Nevyansk. This is such a city in the Sverdlovsk region. Not entirely by chance, of course - I went to visit my relatives. So they told me about this monument of falling architecture and told me.
Leaning tower of Nevyansk
It stands there swinging, in the sense, falling, for a long time, already from the 18th century. Built by order of Akinfiy Demidov, whose office was located on one of the floors. In fact, the leaning tower of Nevyansk is not considered to be falling, as its slope remains unchanged. Its correct name is the Leaning Tower of Nevyansk. For me, it's the same as to call it, if only people knew that there is such a thing in Russia, and there is no need to go to Pisa. For the layman, it does not matter at all whether its slope changes or not, the main thing is to see a miracle. True, because an unusual sight.
Leaning tower of Nevyansk.
As we were told, it is unknown whether the leaning tower was originally built in this way or later leaned over. And also it is not known why it was built at all. Here it is, the story! He knows everything, but knows nothing. According to some reports, in this inclined tower of Nevyansk, coins were made of gold, with a sample higher than the state one. There are also tales of some flooded basements where these coins were kept, and which no one can find now..
Nevyansk leaning tower.
Provincial landscape next to the leaning tower
The Nevyansk tower is pierced with a metal frame. The tie beams can be seen inside the tower. Outside, they are secured with staples. The walls of the lower floor are about two meters thick. And there is a staircase inside the wall. It's uncomfortable to feel inside such a thickness.
Leaning Tower of Nevyansk. Iron beams inside.
There is another interesting thing about the leaning tower - a dormer room with a cunning vaulted ceiling. Two people who are in opposite corners of this room, and turned to face the wall, can talk to each other in whispers, while no one will hear them in the center of the room or in other corners. I didn't believe it at first, but it really is. It seems that the interlocutor is whispering directly into your ear, although he is 5 meters away.
Leaning Tower Auditory Room.
On the top floor there is a clock, like a chime. Just don't break. Brought from England, and cost a bunch of dough, about the same as the leaning tower itself. Although if Demidov had his own gold coins, then why did he need this pile.
View of Nevyansk from the leaning tower.
I hope that the tower in Nevyansk will someday become as famous as the Pisa tower, and Nevyansk will become a tourist city with European comfort..