An oak tree in the village of Estosadok - a relic of the Estonian community

The village of Estosadok has its own historical landmark - a huge spreading oak tree on Listopadnaya Street, under which the name of the whole village was once given - Eesti Aiake (Estosadok). According to eyewitnesses, the old tree cracked in 2006, after which it began to dry abruptly. It was not possible to save the tree, but by the efforts of the chairman of the Estonian community Walter Hermann and local artist Mikhail Kultin, the symbolic history of the emergence of Estosadok was carved into the oak tree, starting in 1883, when the first settlers from Estonia appeared in these parts..

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Oak in the village of Estosadok

Oak Estosadok stands opposite the communal house, next to the sports ground. On its basis, a chain is suspended, on which it was supposed to hang the locks of the newlyweds, and throw the keys into the Mzymta River, but the tradition did not take root, and the chain remained empty.

There is a cemented area around the oak tree, stylized as ancient stones with inscriptions that are not so easy to make out. It does not give shade, there are no benches nearby and here, in principle, is not the place where you want to walk. Just a kind of monument to the history of its people.

Oak in the village of Estosadok, Sochi

Oak in the village of Estosadok, Sochi

Information to visit

The entrance, like any historical monument, is free..

I don't know about round-the-clock access - the Estosadok oak stands in a private area, behind a gate that may close at night, but I'm not sure.

Buses do not run here, you can come either on foot or by car.

On the map

Estosadok Oak

Estosadok Oak
Old dead oak, a monument to the Estonian community of the history of their village.
More details.

An old dead oak tree, a monument to the Estonian community of the history of their village. More details.