Photos of the concentration camp in Auschwitz - Auschwitz I
Main post with useful information and my impressions of the visit concentration camps Auschwitz, I already wrote. Here, on the contrary, there will be only photographs from the Auschwitz I concentration camp. It is not recommended to look impressively, but on the other hand, how else ....
Let me remind you that Auschwitz is a Polish city, which the Germans called Auschwitz during the war. It houses a complex of two concentration camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II, located a couple of kilometers from each other (visited separately). Photos from the Auschwitz II camp you can also see the link.
Auschwitz 1 was built in 1940 on the basis of former barracks, so those who got here were somewhat more fortunate than those who ended up in the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp (Auschwitz 2). Here the barracks are more solid, brick, two-story, with more or less decent heating..
Barracks, or more correctly blocks, stand in 3 rows. The first row is mostly closed to the public, the second row is the exposition of different countries, the third row is the reconstruction of various rooms (or maybe the reconstruction of the whole block is direct). By the way, I looked at the exposition of Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Israel and some other country, and in my opinion, the Russian exposition was the best among them. There are old documents, and things, and a lot of photographs (in electronic form on screens), and the projector was rich. The rest are quite simple.
Concentration camp Auschwitz I - inscription at the entrance Labor liberates
Barbed wire looks creepy even in sunny weather
Each block is signed
Concentration camp in Auschwitz Auschwitz 1
The square where the prisoners were counted, if someone was missing, they could stand for hours in the cold
One of the expositions
Book of names in the Israel exposition
This made tattoos with numbers.
Photos at the Russian exposition
Photos at the Russian exposition
Photos at the Russian exposition
High voltage barbed wire around the concentration camp
Bread chess pieces
Fragment of the original door of the crematorium
At Auschwitz 1 there was one crematorium converted from a vegetable store. After testing the Zyklon B gas on humans, the building was redesigned and a gas chamber appeared in it. The cell functioned from 41 to 42, and after that it was converted into a bomb shelter. Everything is now reconstructed from original parts..
Auschwitz 1 concentration camp crematorium
Gas chamber at the crematorium
These switches seemed somehow ominous to me
Oven of the crematorium in Auschwitz 1
The whole ceiling is black
The gallows on which Rudolf Höss was hanged, the camp commandant
It is not necessary to go to country expositions, I think all this (or a lot) can be found on the Internet. Much more interesting (so to speak, because «interesting» not quite an appropriate word in this case) the third row of blocks. They store the belongings of prisoners, and also there you can see with your own eyes the conditions in which people lived and died ... In particular, block 10 and 11 - death row. There are cameras, both ordinary and standing, a wall near which people were shot, premises for various purposes..
Blankets in the death block
Three-story bunks in the death block
The room where women undressed before execution
The wall near which people were shot
Reconstruction of this wall
Cells in the basement of the Death block
Cell in the basement of the Death block. There are also standing cameras
Barred camera windows
Residential block, so they slept until 1941
Tour of Auschwitz (Auschwitz 1) - everywhere there are many, many photos of the victims
The water has always been cold and its quantity is limited
Privileged prisoners (looking after others) fared better
Living room with three-storey bunks
Clothes of prisoners in Auschwitz
Many blocks have various photographs
Schoolchildren from Israel on an excursion to Auschwitz. Have not seen ours.
The floor and stairs in the blocks are pushed through
The same granular Zyklon B with which people were poisoned
Many went with things and took all the valuables, they thought they were just being relocated
Prisoners' belongings - thousands of points
They even took away dentures and other devices
Thousands of bowls
Hair of women killed in the gas chambers. About 2t. Then 50 pfenings were sold for 1 kg
Children's toys and things
A whole container of baby shoes
Huge hall with adult shoes
Barbed wire in two rows