Poland - the European journey begins by car
Our travel itinerary in Europe lay through Poland, but we observed this country mainly from the windows of the car and during short parking, therefore this article is rather a short essay about what we managed to see and remember.
We crossed the Brest-Teraspol border at night, and the first thing we noticed in Poland was a completely different quality of the road. Immediately went excellent asphalt with the latest, fresh markings, bumpers and reflectors on the roads - hurray, guys, we are in Europe! In parallel with this thought, another one obsessively began to circle in my head - where to spend the night now? Therefore, the search for an overnight stay began almost immediately. Due to the rather cool weather, I somehow did not want to sleep in a tent, and in order to fully rest after a 1000-kilometer journey, it was decided to stay at a motel, since there are a lot of them along the road..
Our short search was crowned with a wonderful find - a motel room for 40 euros with a shower, toilet and comfortable beds for four is very inexpensive, although, perhaps, if you wish, you can find it even cheaper.

For fun, we decided to heat the water in a Polish motel on a burner
When looking for a motel, our first dialogue with the Poles took place, after which it was concluded: although the languages are similar, it is practically impossible to understand anything by ear without preparation if they speak Polish. And every time, before speaking at the reception, we were a little lost, because it seems to be wrong to speak Russian right away, Europe, not Russia, but in the end it always turned out that a person rather knows Russian than bourgeois English. But how pleasant it is to be a master and a lady for a while. :)

Polish is pretty much like ours when you read the signs. But when you listen, nothing is clear
Our main discoveries began the next day. Continuing to admire the beautiful smooth asphalt (probably of all the countries where we were, the road in Poland was the best in quality), we began to notice solar panels on the sides for powering radar cameras and traffic lights. And windmills began to flicker in the fields. I like how smart Europe approaches electricity.

In Poland, solar panels for powering traffic lights and radar cameras began to meet along the roads
Already in Poland, signs of a developed civilization began to be found along the roads - alternative energy sources
The road in Poland is excellent everywhere
The roads in Poland, although very good, are narrow, with one lane. And what is strange, during our entire trip around Europe by car, we did not meet a single traffic police post. But we, as well-bred citizens, drove, observing all the speed limits (Europe), and suddenly periodically began to notice how the locals, tired of breathing down our heads, boldly pick up speed on certain sections of the road and quickly overtake us, violating any prescribed restrictions. In general, you need to know the places. But we did not risk it and drove at a speed of 50/90. But our friend, on the way back, exceeded the speed limit, was caught, but escaped with a bribe of 60 euros. He said that the traffic cop was more worried than himself. Poland, although Europe, but in some ways still not far from us left.
Alley road is a common phenomenon in Europe.
This is how a settlement is designated in Europe - very clearly
From the former border with Germany, only echoes remain
From the cities of Poland, we saw only the outskirts of Warsaw, which did not impress us at all, and a town called Wroclaw that charmed us with its neatness and neatness..
In order to somehow manage to penetrate Poland, we decided to listen to the local radio, hoping to get acquainted with local folklore. However, instead of songs, almost all the time on all radio stations, they just chatted incessantly on, unfortunately, incomprehensible topics to us. Had to listen to my CDs.
In cities, Poland is very much like Russia. Even by public transport
Urban Poland often resembles Russia
In Poland, there are stops right at the bridge
In Europe, waste is divided into different types of material. We began to notice this since Poland.
According to our modest observations at bus stops and at McDonald's, where we caught free Internet, people outwardly, in behavior, dress and manners almost do not differ from Russians. But the male staff of our traveling group revealed that the Poles are very pretty.
In the suburbs of Poland, most of the houses are well-groomed and neat.
In the suburbs of Poland, most of the houses are well-groomed and neat.
Such structures can be found along roads in Poland. Apparently advertising
The second overnight stay of our trip to Europe by car also fell on Poland, and this time as an economy and a test of something new, it was decided to spend the night in a tent. Since it is officially forbidden to spend the night as a savage in European countries, we looked for a place for a tent especially carefully, driving down country roads, trying to hide in the trees. In order to better explore the territory, the guys pulled out a large powerful lantern from the trunk..
And at the next exit onto the gravel road, we suddenly found out that our trunk was open and there was clearly something missing in it, because usually the car was packed to capacity. Through simple calculations, we realized with horror that we had lost almost the most precious thing - two bags of food! I had to go back for the fugitives who were found peacefully lying on the road.
Brave fugitives - those same fallen out bags of food.
Having found each other again, with joy, we quickly found a secluded place, and while the guys were setting up the tent, my friend and I diligently pulled on all the warm things that we had with us, because at night the temperature was slightly above zero. But we slept well and soundly, no one found us and kicked us out. In the morning of the next day, having sipped tea, warmed up on the burner, we continued our independent journey.
Our secluded spot for a second overnight stay in Poland
In general, Poland made a pleasant impression on us, neat, more well-groomed than ours, although there is dirt. Of course, our emotions were fueled by the anticipation of what we still had to see, because our independent journey through Europe had just begun..
An ordinary street of an ordinary town in Poland
And it happens that in small towns in Poland the pavements are lined with stone.
In the suburbs of Poland, most of the houses are well-groomed and neat
Quite often there are old shabby houses in Poland.
Some old houses still look very pretty.