A couple of people asked on the social network, so I decided to quickly share our find, which may be useful for traveling with children, namely the Omron CompAir C24 travel nebulizer and the Mahold inhaler. In fact, they are not positioned as road, but they can be called such, due to their size and weight. After we visited China, where we rehabilitated for 3 months, of which Yegor suffered from a cough for 1 month, we realized that it would be very cool to buy a nebulizer and take him on trips. We already had one, from the same company (CompAir NE-C28), but it was powerful and therefore bulky, you don't want to take it, given that you already have a lot of things to carry with you.
The content of the article
Types of nebulizers
I will not load you for a long time, since on any website of an online store, you will find detailed types of nebulizers, their pros and cons. I'll tell you briefly. There are 3 types in total:
- Compressor
- Ultrasonic
- Steam
- Mesh nebulizers
Always read the instructions for the medication, which nebulizer can be used for a particular medication..
Compressor nebulizers are suitable for most drugs, for example, for Lazolvan, Berodual, Pulmicort, they are cheap, simple, but often cumbersome and you cannot fill in any aromatic oils, such as eucalyptus oil..
Ultrasonic nebulizers are silent, they allow the use of many drugs, but they can lead to the destruction of the active substance due to the ultrasonic wave (for example, aqueous solutions can be used, but oils are not allowed), are expensive and often not compact. That is, we get about the same as in the previous version, but with a higher price and less choice..
Steam nebulizers allow only inhalation with oil solutions, herbal decoctions, infusions, and are not suitable for most medicines.
Mesh nebulizers (electronic mesh, in fact, improved ultrasonic ones) combine the advantages of compressor and ultrasonic ones: they are silent, ultra-compact, they can be tilted (which is important for sleeping children), there are no restrictions on the active substance (but oils are still not allowed), they allow you to adjust particle size, but expensive and problematic to operate according to reviews. In particular, they require constant maintenance and replacement of nets / mebran.
Our choice
Most often, we use Lazolvan (Egor) and eucalyptus oil (Oleg), or we do without a nebulizer at all. Buying 2 nebulizers is not quite an option, since I was choosing what to take with me on the road, and weight and size were of paramount importance. Trouble-free operation was also important, because if something breaks on the road, then there will be no time and opportunity to repair the device..
Thus, my choice is a compact compressor nebulizer and Maholda inhaler. Such a bundle does not take up space, is light, cheap, fulfills its purpose, and does not break.
Omron CompAir C24
Weighs only 500 grams. It does not have any additional functions, such as changing the particle size, but the initial functionality is quite enough. The kit consists of a compressor unit, a power supply unit (small), two breathing masks of different sizes, a mouthpiece and a nosepiece. There is also the Omron CompAir C24 Kids model with toys, it is more suitable for children, but it costs a little more. In our case, it is better that Yegor is not distracted by the nebulizer at all (we give cartoons watching), so there was no point in taking Kids.
From experience of use, everything suited us: the aerosol is well sprayed, the camera can be tilted a little, and does not require much maintenance. Simple and inexpensive model. Yes, if the child is very restless, who only has to breathe in a dream, then it is better to look in the direction of mesh nebulizers or ultrasonic ones, they can be tilted almost 180 degrees (just when the child is in a supine position), but also the price is them are completely different, not to mention the more complex design that requires maintenance.
Travel nebulizer Omron CompAir C24
Portable nebulizer Omron CompAir C24
Travel nebulizer is easy to take with you (we are on a trip)
There are only 2 cons and both are insignificant:
- Intermittent work (20 minutes on, 40 off), which is not the case with larger brothers. The same stationary CompAir NE-C28 can work for hours. But, when a nebulizer is bought for a child, then why should he work more than 5-10 minutes every few hours, not a polyclinic.
- Low performance, half that of the C28. On the other hand, you just have to sit a little longer..
Before this model, we bought an Omron CompAir C20, so you better not take it, although it is more compact than the C24 (350 grams). Really got it. He has a nebulizer chamber, in principle, a non-working design. That is, it is even useless to change it, everything will be the same. Everyone suffers with her, she does not spray medicine. Or sprays, but it is necessary on her «pray», God forbid a little shake or tilt. Although this does not always help, the aerosol just stops going and that's it, you start rinsing, twisting the bump stop (the blue thing inside), dancing around with a tambourine. Reviews on the official website are all bad. Unsuccessful model came out from Omron, good, the rest are normal.
Mahold's inhaler
Surely, you encountered him back in the USSR. A glass contraption into which aromatic oil is poured. Moreover, you can then lower it into a glass with hot water, or you can do without it. Mahold's inhalers are now rarely sold in pharmacies, but at least I found them on the Internet in Moscow. I still have the Soviet one, my age. The differences between them are insignificant, they have slightly changed the shape and the modern one has a container for oil..
The inhaler is not always called Mahold's inhaler, but the meaning is the same. Pour in oil and breathe in vapors.
Mahold's inhaler, old on the left
P.S. A bundle of portable nebulizer + Maholda inhaler turns out to be very compact for movement and, most importantly, cheap. And in order not to break the glass inhaler, you can put it in a case from glasses or something similar..