Phuket Seafood Market - Food and Attraction
The fisherman's craft is hard work in itself, so seafood is not cheap even on the seashore. This market is often included in a sightseeing tour of Phuket, so the price of popularity is added to the high price for fishermen's labor. This market in Phuket is not a cheap market. Generally not a cheap tourist-oriented market with high traffic and not suffering from a shortage of customers. Moreover, according to my observations, over the years this situation is only getting worse, expressed in a not very positive attitude towards customers and in growing price tags..
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Phuket fish market
The seafood market is located on the east side of Phuket on Rawai Beach. But it is called a beach conditionally, since the coast is dirty and often crowded with fishing boats. Usually, only winterers and expats live in this area, and of course, the locals themselves.
Depending on your attitude towards Southeast Asia, you will either appreciate the variety of assortments in the fish market, or burst out negative comments about unsanitary conditions, poverty, the insolence of fishermen's children and high prices. Going to the fish market in Phuket, you need to keep this in mind and when faced with reality - relax and smile. Do not make a face, do not wrinkle your nose and do not express your displeasure at all, for gypsies are perceptive people. Yes, sea gypsies, who actually catch and sell seafood in most seafood markets in Thailand.
On the outskirts of the shopping arcade, you may be surrounded by a gang of small hooligans who beg for money. Buddha forbid you to show neglect or aggression towards children, no matter how persistently they harass you - just walk by or prepare a trifle at the mercy. You start swearing at them or threateningly swinging them - older gypsies will come up and before the police arrive, they will have time to buy you in full, and not at all with seafood. Smile and have fun shopping with live food splashing around. I was lucky when I was there a couple of times, I didn’t come across children at all, but people say that it can be different.
Traders keep their catch either in ice or in plastic boxes filled with water. Bargaining is possible and necessary, but it is better to do this without attracting attention with noise and not trying to be active in the presence of tourists who also want a discount. Given the high traffic and the popularity of this fish market in Phuket, bargaining for a fall is time consuming but real..
Fish market in Phuket, Rawai
Purchased food can be prepared right here in local cafes for 50-100 baht (per kilogram of food) according to your own recipe.
Well, the feature of the entire market, in my opinion, is diversity. There are markets with more adequate prices, but the choice there will already be poorer. Otherwise, this is just an ordinary fish market next to the village, where fishermen and their families live. With all accompanying flavors and an autistic exterior.
Information to visit
Market hours: from 13.00 to 20.00. Prices - from 500 baht per kilogram.
In addition to seafood, in the market you can buy pearl jewelry (but these are defective pearls) of low cost. Sellers cook fish worse than they can in a cafe.
On the map
Rawai seafood market
Rawai seafood market
Rawai Seafood Market. Fish market, next to which is the village of sea gypsies and Rawai pier. You can buy fresh seafood of a variety of names in the market.
More about the market.
Rawai Seafood Market. Fish market, next to which is the village of sea gypsies and Rawai pier. The market offers a wide variety of fresh seafood products. More information about the market.