One of the stages of travel planning is finding and booking hotels and guesthouses. Yes, you can find a hotel or guesthouse directly on the spot, and perhaps even cheaper than via the Internet, but how long will it take? Therefore, sometimes it is better to do this in advance, for example, in the case when you have a limited time and you need to go directly to the hotel from the airport, or when, in order to obtain a visa, the embassy requires you to provide hotel reservations..
In any case, you must agree that it is convenient, arriving at the place, to be sure in advance that there is a place to sleep, especially during the holidays, when it is not easy to find free places. Take, for example, booking hotels in Thailand in high season (New Year) or during the festival Loy Krathong.
The content of the article
- one Systems for booking and searching hotels around the world
- 2 Hotel search engine by booking database
- 3 How we usually search for hotels
Systems for booking and searching hotels around the world
For this, the sites of the reservation and search system for hotels around the world were invented. The booking system concludes an agreement with hotels, and provides information about them on the Internet, as well as the possibility of booking. As a rule, such systems contain tens of thousands of hotels and guesthouses around the world..
The most popular booking systems are,, and less popular ones:,, There are other even lesser known.
The databases of different booking systems contain both the same hotels and different ones. Therefore, in order to get as many offers from hotels as possible, it is advisable to view all the sites of these systems. Prices also differ, as booking systems work with hotels on different terms. There is no commission for using the booking system, so you do not overpay anything in addition. Payment is made by plastic card.
Hotel search on
Hotel search engine by booking database
The world does not stand still. And therefore, for the convenience of searching for hotels, now search engines for hotels have begun to appear on the bases of booking systems. The use of such search engines significantly reduces the search time, because now you need to view not a dozen sites, but only one.
One of these search engines is RoomGuru, it searches for hotels in all the existing booking systems in the world..
The search is carried out in exactly the same way as in the booking system itself - the city, numbers, number of people are specified. Visually, everything looks about the same. As a result, we receive all offers from all popular databases of booking systems, and we can choose the one that suits us best. After the search, the site redirects you to the hotel you need in the selected booking system. That is, the hotel search engine performs only an auxiliary function, no additional commissions are charged..
Hotel search results across all booking databases
Price for a specific hotel in all booking systems
How we usually search for hotels
It all depends on the specific conditions, but, as a rule, we combine online booking and independent search on the spot..
- Before the trip, we analyze the order of prices for accommodation through a search engine for booking systems.
- We are looking for information on forums and blogs about specific inexpensive and proven places.
- We analyze the price. If the price in the recommended hotels is not significantly lower (and sometimes it is even higher), then it's time to book online. If the price indicated on the forum is much lower, then we remember this place on the map (it is advisable to have several such places, just in case) and look for it on our own upon arrival..
We last booked a hotel in Bangkok. We needed a room in the city center, near the metro and the park, with a modern interior. The hotel was found in 10 minutes and booked safely.
(!) It should be noted that the search for information on the forums sometimes takes a lot of time, so it is not suitable for everyone. Finding a cheap hotel on site can also take several hours, so we use it when we are not in a hurry. Also, from experience I can say that the price on the spot will not always be lower than over the Internet. For example, in Malaysia, we booked a hotel via the Internet for a promotion, and a room on the spot cost 1.5 times more.