Would you like to have sex in Thailand with a Thai monk?
I never thought that the topic of sex in Thailand would be covered in any way on our blog. But apparently fate has its own opinion on this matter, so we fill in the gaps. True, I will not tell you exactly what is usually discussed on the forums :)
Suddenly I was almost initiated into a gay ... I came to Wat Chedi Luang in Chiang Mai, and there was a young guy in orange clothes standing there not far from the entrance. So, let’s fill me up with questions, and talk about this and that. And then he offers, and let's go have some tea, because you probably drink tea. I managed to tell him that I do not consume alcoholic beverages. But my heart sensed that something was clearly lacking in his monastic life..
The young generation of monks and who will grow up?
Honestly, it was really hard to believe that like this in broad daylight, and even with a foreigner such a thing could happen. No, I, of course, read that there are a lot of gays among monks, not only in Thailand, but in general among the monastic brethren around the world, not everyone is given to curb their physical needs. But it's one thing to read on the Internet, it's another to meet in person..
I also read that many travelers had interesting conversations with monks about the meaning of life, Buddhism and other cognitive topics. This killed me. Moreover, I thought that I needed to overcome my embarrassment, since I went without my wife, otherwise she is usually responsible for communication with me, and go and drink innocent tea, since they offer.
We went into the monastic closet. By the way, speaking there is a computer, and the Internet, and even a printer, not an ascetic cell at all. So, the first bell was that this guy was somehow very nervous, his hands were shaking as much as he was brewing tea. Then I look, somehow strangely he moved closer to me, although I can hear him perfectly and so, and let me persistently suggest massage to be done. Moreover, he seemed to not even suggest how much, how much he immediately climbed to do it. After several of his movements, it became clear to me that in thai massage it is a complete zero, after all, I have already gone to it many times and I have an idea of what, and how. And also it became no less clear that it was time to blame. The only question is how? After all, I'm a completely non-conflict person, and I'm also afraid of offending him (well, suddenly I was mistaken and what I misunderstood, and he is from a pure soul), and we haven’t had tea yet ...
Thoughts rushed feverishly in my head, this is Thailand, this is a puritanical country, all the more, this is not just Tai, this is the north of Tai, here it is still more strictly in theory, in front of me is a monk, and not some transvestite ladyboy, well, not sometimes it happens ... And stuff like that. At the same time, I frantically figured out how to get out. Thank God, there was a phone call from Max (Chiang Mai Longsteer), probably, he had never been asked such stupid questions in his life. Like, Max, listen, here the monk called for tea and seduces me with a massage, do you think he is gay or am I just so twitchy after Russia and don't understand anything in this life? After the call, all I could do was to say, they say, I'm sorry guy, but I urgently need to run to meet a friend on the other side of the city, I don't have time for tea now and not for your massage. How can they sometimes call on time :)
Ugh, it's disgusting how, well, I didn't expect such a dirty trick from a monk ... I went to the temple to think about my sinful life and about you. By the way, the boy was very lucky, if he had been different in my place, he would have picked out the fragments of his glasses from his eyes, sliding off the wall ...
The moral of this fable
Do not relax too much and do not create illusions. People live everywhere on the planet, and they have such a unifying thing as human nature. And it does not depend on nationality, religion, or place of residence. Apparently I relaxed too much in Thailand, but idealized this country too much, so I needed such a situation to clarify.
Yes, this does not mean that you do not need to go to Wat Chedi Luang, the temple itself is quite itself with good energy and an interesting ancient stupa.
P.S. None of the monks in the picture has anything to do with history, all the names are fictitious, the author, the monks, and the animals did not suffer :)