GlaGla super lightweight and breathable sneakers - test drive
I completely forgot that we recently tested the lightweight and breathable GlaGla sneakers. We were given two pairs for the test, and I promised to write my opinion, although this is not necessary. I'm just interested to tell about it myself. I will try to leave a non-biased review, because I liked something, but I didn't. In general, I can say that the shoes are not bad, and they have their own niche for use, for example, fitness. We tested them directly on the trip and not in the most sterile conditions..
So, given: breathable sneakers weighing 175 grams (1 shoe). The price is 1700-2500 rubles. Ventilated from all sides, including the outsole, there are also slots there. We went to Gelendzhik and moved everywhere in them for a month, at least.
The content of the article
GlaGla Urban Sneakers
When walking in the city, no unpleasant features were noticed. Easy, not hot, well, if the temperature is within reasonable limits, because there is no built-in air conditioner. Sometimes the foot gets a little tired, due to the fact that the sole is thin.
Indeed, the sneaker is very light and hardly felt on the foot. In terms of weight, they resemble beach slippers rather than sneakers. True, I'm used to membrane trekking shoes, and I have never had anything like it. As a rule, either I go in sandals, or in tourist crosses. In general, it is really unusually easy!
GlaGla Breathable Sneakers
My weight turned out to be 232 grams
A great opportunity is to wash them in the washing machine. Here other shoes rest, few sneakers can afford it, especially membrane ones. They also dry quickly, because there are only synthetics and rubber.
You can wash in the washing machine without consequences.
The breathability of the sneakers is good, it is especially felt when the wind is blowing, there is a direct draft inside. So, if you wear it in cold weather, you can freeze. The slots, as I said, are on the sole, and the fabric is mesh on all sides.
The sneakers quickly put on and take off, because the lacing on them is rather conditional, although it is better fixed with it. But there seem to be different models, you can choose, and the colors are fun.
GlaGla Travel Sneakers
All features start on the journey. I drove 3500 km in them, Moscow-Gelendzhik and back. This is when we talk about long journeys. Since we went to the Black Sea for a month, the whole month I walked and moved by car in Gla-Gla sneakers.
The car goes well!
In general, I liked everything, the car is comfortable to drive. The pedals feel good and, again, the feet are not hot, this is important when you drive 8 hours a day without really stopping.
The only thing I didn't like was that you can't walk in puddles, it's a fee for good ventilation and «full of holes» soles. So in the rain, get ready for wet feet, but not sweat. Get out of the car in the rain at a gas station and it is better not to step into a puddle. And one more moment related to the sole - pebbles fall into the slots, which must then be picked out from there.
Stones and tar are hammered into the slot
Resulting feedback
GlaGla sneakers occupy a kind of intermediate niche. Before buying, you need to answer yourself what kind of summer shoes you need and for what. My conclusion is that GlaGla are good for long journeys and walks, but without going outside in bad weather. The ideal option is flights when you walk around the airport and sit on the plane, that is, they are needed by those who fly a lot. Also great for the gym and treadmills. They can serve as additional shoes (change) wherever it is required, and when the weight in a backpack, bag or suitcase is important.
Actually, the company positions its shoes in this way: walking tours, bus tours, travel by car, long flights, that is, without any extreme. Despite this positioning, I ended up wearing them all summer and continue to walk on, because I feel hot in sandals, and I'm not afraid of the rain..
P.S. What else to test and review this? :)