Applying for insurance in Thailand on Koh Samui - Liberty and Samui International
So we have another experience of applying for health insurance. Yegor's ear ached, and although the problem was not very serious, we cannot joke with this case at all. Any otitis media is the likelihood of hearing impairment, which is not at all good. Therefore, in order not to risk it, we immediately decided to go to the hospital, especially since it was in vain that we bought insurance, it is just for this that we need it..
The content of the article
Insured event on Koh Samui
Unfortunately, since 2016, Liberty has become worse. Be sure to see my main post about insurance, where I talked about how to choose insurance and how to use it correctly in order to minimize rejection. I also made a rating of insurance companies after analyzing a huge number of reviews and my personal experience (plus a little insider information). I try to promptly update so that you can always choose working insurance.
What to do first
On this trip, I bought everyone insurance from Liberty (it's better to buy on Cherehapa), more guarantees. Daria and me with $ 30,000 coverage, and Egor with $ 50,000.
Before going anywhere, we called Viber at the phone number indicated in the policy. I put money on Viber in advance so that I could call all sorts of phones at any time (more about, how to make cheap calls to Russia). At the call center, they asked me for the policy number, all the data on it, and the reason for contacting me. Then they confirmed that they would pay for the visit to the doctor, but not related to chronic diseases (I said that my son had hearing aids), and named the hospital where to go. Everything is pretty fast. They also asked to send them a policy by e-mail, because it was not in their database..
Samui International Hospital is located in the area of one of the most popular beaches - Chaweng. There is also Bangkok Hospital here too. And if, just in case, you want to choose accommodation not very far from hospitals, then you can search for hotels nearby using RoomGuru, all discounts are there.
Samui International Hospital
Liberty is working with a Class-Assistence Assistant who is referring to Samui at Samui International Hospital (SIH). This is not the best hospital on the island, but in fairness, I can say that many assistants will be sent there as well. The hospital seemed to us to be something similar to our Russian medical institutions: a simple hall, not renovated, everything is clearly not new, no pathos. True, there is a pool, which does not at all fit into Russian realities..
Samui International Hospital outside
Samui International Hospital inside
Children have something to do, like jerking pillows
In the hospital you can take a book to read
There is a swimming pool in the courtyard
Upon arrival at the hospital
At the reception they listened, asked them to give either a paper copy of the policy, or send it by email. It's good that I have a saved version of the policy in my mail, and it is also saved on the phone on a flash drive. They gave out a memo in Russian, which describes the procedure for applying, and in particular, that they take the passport as a deposit. The passport is kept with them until the insurance company confirms the payment of the bill (usually about 3 days). Otherwise, you will have to pay yourself. Probably, this is how all inexpensive assistants work, because when they contact the same hospital, they did not take their passport from friends they knew.
Doctor's appointment
We didn’t wait in line for long, no more than 15 minutes in total. First, Yegor's temperature was measured (just a minute with a mercury thermometer!), Weighed him, and then called to the doctor. She quickly looked at her ears, said that one ear is all red and an antibiotic needs to be dripped there, and if it does not help, then she will have to give it orally. She prescribed a second appointment in 4 days..
Medicines and bills
After we left the doctor's office, we were directed to the local hospital pharmacy, where they gave us a bottle of drops. The packet said when and how much to drip. Convenient, there is no need to go anywhere else. I also signed an invoice for their services, which was 2,920 baht:
- 1000 baht doctor's appointment
- 500 baht nursing service
- 1000 THB hospital fee
- 420 baht ear drops.
Drops dispensed at a hospital pharmacy
Hospital bill paid by the insurance
They say that if you do not go through an insurance company, the prices will be lower. And this is how Moscow rates turn out quite for themselves - we call a pediatrician at home costs about 3-4 thousand rubles, and an appointment on the spot is about 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles.
We did not go to the second appointment, because it needs to be taken through the insurance company again, and Yegor's ear stopped hurting. I took my passport somewhere after 5 days, having previously called the insurance company (3 days after applying) and asked them to hurry.
On the map
Samui International Hospital
Samui International Hospital
The second highest quality hospital in Koh Samui (the first Bangkok Hospital). The service and qualifications of the doctors are normal, the staff speaks English. A popular tourist hospital.
More details.
The second highest quality hospital in Koh Samui (the first Bangkok Hospital). The service and qualifications of the doctors are normal, the staff speaks English. A popular hospital with tourists. More details.
P.S. Here is such an experience, neither positive nor negative. Do not be ill! And choose your insurance carefully so that you really get help in a serious case. Read all the details and nuances about insurance in my article about - health insurance in Thailand. I highly recommend making better insurance for children, otherwise the son was already once in intensive care, which cost like a wing from a Boeing.