As some have already noticed on social media, we've moved a bit. Just a little bit 🙂 Our location has changed literally by 15 kilometers. I was not going to write about this, but since they ask, I will tell you.
We moved to my mother's in Orekhovo-Borisovo. And this move is temporary. More precisely, we moved for about a year, but specifically here, I hope, we won't stay long. Maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a month. I don't want to plan anything more, we planned too much and often, and nothing came of it. Now we are trying to be ready for any turn of events.
The content of the article
Why did we leave?
A reasonable question, but I cannot answer it directly. Since we are prone to committing various incomprehensible actions, we distinguished ourselves here too. The main idea is to get out of your comfort zone, leave your familiar place, and, finding yourself directly in front of a choice, make a decision. You can call it forcing events. For a very long time we have been wanting to move from a Moscow apartment to a more environmentally friendly and peaceful place, even if only for a while. But always, there are reasons why this should be postponed for some time. Now there is no reason, but there is a need to look for a place in the sun.
Of course, from the point of view of people who love order and life according to plan, our actions are complete stupidity. I had to think over everything, go purposefully, and other blah-blah. Does not work! Sometimes you have to do it first, and then think to do it again. In fairness, I will say that Daria has nothing to do with it, this is my idea. Everything does not sit still for me, my soul asks for changes. Tired of waiting for the circumstances to work out. And the only thing that kept us here was doctors and classes. But the neurologists sent us to the geneticists, and the geneticists said, they say, come back sometime later, we don't know anything. Classes and massages can be done not only in Moscow.
In general, I can’t say where we are next, we try not to guess anything. So to speak, we are waiting for the right moment. Perhaps we will go to «tour» for rehabilitation centers. But now there is still a bunch of paperwork to be redone here, to run around, to arrange things on the parent's balcony and in the garage, to sell / give / buy something.
The first stage of the move - he took his own people with the most necessary junk, fit into the trunk of a car
Thoughts after moving
Regular readers know that I periodically write about consumer society and how I like minimalism. But something during our move, I realized that before minimalism, as before the moon. In principle, not so many things turned out, about one gazelle, excluding furniture, refrigerator, stove and dishes that we left in the apartment. Surely, with classic moves, more is obtained. But if you ask me what is in the boxes, then God forbid I will list half, because some of them do not understand that, some small things, previously dispersed evenly throughout the dwelling.
The beginning of the training camp, the most difficult moment
My clothes only take up a container
Everywhere I was reassured by such notes 🙂
Shoe alone a bunch of boxes
The result of two days of labor
Daria came to check if I was right about the number of supposed things
Some of my conclusions about what to do when moving and before it:
- You can get rid of 1/4 of things quietly and imperceptibly for yourself. Really, remove a quarter and you won't even notice. These are some hypothetically necessary things that will come in handy sometime there in the bright future. A vivid example is medicines that still have a normal shelf life, but you don't even remember the name, and most likely, if you suddenly need them, you still won't remember and buy a new one..
- You can get rid of another 1/4 by soberly weighing the pros and cons, rejecting what is used very, very rarely, and in fact there is no need for this (it's hard to admit it to yourself). Has anyone ever had that you use a thing only because it is available, so that it does not lie? The first thing that comes to mind is a pair of shoes with a narrow range of use: for a certain weather, temperature, outing format, that is, there are a couple of such days a year, and they are covered by any more versatile shoes..
- Children's toys are truly a space eater! I thought that we almost do not have them, but it turned out to be two large containers and one small one. In fact, such an amount is not needed, children quickly lose interest and grow up, if they got a box, they gave it away. And do not forget about the rotation, so that not all toys are available, played for a week, removed these and took out the old ones..
- Camping equipment grabs a place no less: 6 sleeping bags, 2 tents, 3 hiking backpacks, 5 city backpacks, 3 regular foam, 2 self-inflating ones. It's time to recruit a group for a hike and rent out equipment to it. All things are good and necessary, but the volume can be cut in half exactly.
- When life plans are vague, and you do not know where and how you will live, it is difficult to decide which things are needed and which are not. And we have something lately continuous fogs 🙂
- During the move, you get access to all things from all cabinets, and you immediately realize that it is quite difficult to grasp the entire volume of things with memory, you simply cannot remember, which means that new things will always be bought that duplicate existing ones. I wrote about this in the first paragraph, but deserves a separate mention..
- Renting a gazelle for transportation is much cheaper without a driver. The whole process of moving took us more than noon, and we didn’t take a steam bath, we did everything in our own calm rhythm. True, in this case, you need to be able to drive such cars. Hyundai Porter (they did not take a gazelle) cost only 2000 rubles per day, and 500 rubles for gasoline.
- And finally, I came up with a convenient option for storing things so that it would be easier to find them later. It is very important for those who will keep them for some time, not just move. You can number the boxes with a marker, and then, in some Excel, make a list of the contents opposite each number. Unfortunately, I first got ready, and then I came up with this, so my lists are written right away on the boxes, which is not very convenient.
During the move, the courier brought my printed A4 photographs. It turned out quite nicely, I was going to do it for half a year, but all hands did not reach, because it is very difficult to choose from several tens of thousands. Also, to my regret, I noticed that out of such a seemingly large amount, there is really nothing special to print..
Printed photos
Initially, I was going to hang them in a frame near the elevator, but I consulted with a friend that he helped me to make the move (thank you, Lech, you are great!), That if there is an opportunity, then hang them where more people go, so they will go straight to the children's library.
To be continued…
Naturally, this is only the beginning of the move, so, I hope, in another month I will write where we left.
Our temporary home
P.S. Someone there told me about the Swedish wall that it is more convenient, and so the Early Start rules! They took it and transported it, no holes in the wall and installation, assembled and disassembled in 5 minutes 🙂