Why are we running with Egor from winter and Moscow
Sometimes we are asked a question, why did we go to Thailand last time, when there is nothing better than Russia in this world :) Since there are many reasons, and it is difficult with alternatives, I decided to write a whole post on this topic. In principle, we have already written, why we like to spend the winter in Thailand, but then we were without a child, and now everything has changed and the reasons are different, so we are looking for alternatives. Yes, and this is not about Thailand at all.
The content of the article
- one The main reasons for wintering
- 2 What's not to like about Thailand
- 3 What are we going to do next
The main reasons for wintering
Need to crawl and walk
The most basic reason winters in thailand - this is what Yegor does not walk. So he needs to be able to crawl somewhere and somehow. Accordingly, when cold weather begins in Moscow (usually in September), it becomes a little pleasant to crawl on the street. Starting from being too dirty and wet in playgrounds, ending with cold hands. And if we talk about winter, then I generally have little idea how you can crawl through the snowdrifts or liquid porridge, in a voluminous overalls. Actually, walking by the hands is also completely inconvenient, like walking with various devices..
I must say right away that crawling / walking only around the apartment, and walking only in a wheelchair while sitting / lying down is not suitable for us, unfortunately. It's like waiting out 1-2 months, it's from October to April, that is, as much as 7 months!

While there is no snow, it is normal, only the pants are rubbed, but does not want to crawl in the snow, protests
Virus epidemics
A couple of months after this post, we finally, after our long searches, found out Yegor's diagnosis. He confirmed our intuitive guesses that Moscow and such a climate / ecology are not compatible with Yegor. Any infection of the upper respiratory tract can end fatally for him, which is why there are now only two children left in the world with such a diagnosis..
The second reason is the epidemic of viruses in Moscow in winter, the entire feed on Vkontakte and Facebook begins to dazzle with messages «we got sick again». Egor, on the other hand, once managed to get sick so that he ended up in intensive care and was ill for a total of a month and a half (3 diseases in a row, and he brought 2 of them from the hospital). As a result, we had a rollback in skills almost six months ago. We don’t want such happiness anymore, it’s too risky, and indeed scary..
This fall, Yegor is also constantly sick. At first, we underwent rehabilitation in Vatutinki near Moscow (it's good that it was possible), but he still fell ill later during it. Further «prayed» before the trip to Poland, so that he does not disrupt our rehabilitation in Olinka. We arrived and this asshole again fell ill, first with otitis media, then with rotavirus, along the way also infecting us, as a result of which a full-fledged rehabilitation did not take place, we missed the plane from Warsaw to Moscow and got stuck in Poland for some more time. Here's how to plan something if this ubiquitous otitis media (the main problem of the deaf) catches up with this ubiquitous otitis media in winter and in the off-season. What is better, to rehabilitate in the intervals between illnesses (in fact, the result is not visible due to kickbacks), or to live these few months in the warmth by the sea and with fruits, improving health, but without rehabilitation? Difficult question.
By the way, Daria and I ourselves hardly get sick when it’s summer instead of winter. This is also important, because as soon as one parent gets sick, the whole schedule collapses..
Other reasons
In fact, the two reasons listed above are enough to want to leave winter Moscow to a place where it is warm. Or more precisely, where the child, at least, can be healthy and get physical activity, and it is better if the immunity is still building up. Probably, if it were not for all this, then it would not make such a special sense to go somewhere, and we would not have a headache on this topic, we would sit at home and go about our business.
In general, there are other bonuses in warmer countries..
- Fruits and vegetables. Yes, not everything is natural among them, but as a rule, what is sold in Moscow supermarkets in winter is not edible at all by definition. In the summer, yes, there are no problems with that.
- People. Again, you can argue a lot on this issue, but we notice that people in some countries are more benevolent or something. Maybe they are not sincere and all that, but we are more comfortable this way. Yes, and Yegor is very useful, he opens up and interacts. Naturally, we are only talking about strangers, it’s good with friends everywhere and does not depend on the country. By the way, even in Warsaw, teachers behave in a completely different way with Yegor, he himself asks to them, which has never happened before..
- Summer and sun. This item is not for everybody, of course, but Daria and I in the summer solar period have more strength and energy to do different things. In winter, we want to hibernate and be depressed. Actually, we are not alone, and in Moscow we must either take serotonin, or cultivate summer SAD in ourselves..
- Safety. Bad people are everywhere, and so is crime. But in some countries it is safer overall..
The man who can't be forced to drink snatched fresh pomegranate juice from his hands in Thailand
Also, if we are talking about countries where the price level is lower, then you can get a higher standard of living compared to Moscow..
- Improving living conditions. For example, instead of a one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, we lived in a three-ruble note in the center of Bangkok. I looked at the prices in Ljubljana, Prague, Malaga, Warsaw, Bratislava, too, you can get a better option for the same money. True, in Europe, as I understand it, as in Moscow, everyone wants a contract for six months or a year (well, if we talk about normal prices).
- Movement. Moscow is always worth it, driving 1.5 hours one way has become the norm. If you live in another country in a smaller city (but with a normal infrastructure), then travel is simplified at least in time. Now we are in Warsaw, just 15 minutes to go to the city center, buses are fast and always run on schedule (besides, they also run often). Or take, for example, a taxi in Bangkok - you don't need your own car, it's cheap and fast. Although there are also traffic jams, but provided that you rented an apartment in a more central area (you can easily afford it), it turns out quite normally.
What's not to like about Thailand
It's a pity that Thailand has enough drawbacks, so we are looking for another alternative from time to time (already wrote somehow about various residence permits instead of wintering). Yes, you heard right and there are enough minuses. I even wrote an article about them separately. Pros and cons of living in Thailand, but now I will list what is annoying with Egor.
- Lack of sidewalks. This moment begins to soar strongly when the child cannot walk for a long time. That is, the handles are generally not realistic with him, in a sling he is already heavy, but with a stroller along the road, bending around parked bikes or other obstacles, it’s still a pleasure. In Moscow, in this regard, it is cool, everything is asphalted and full of paths where cars do not drive. Daria herself can move several kilometers away from home, go to the forest, to the store, to the clinic, to the playground. In Tai, I have to carry them everywhere, which entails the loss of my time and wasted on the car..
- Lack of playgrounds. No, they are, but you have to look for them. Still, it's great when I left the house, and here she is right there in the yard. Sometimes it’s only half an hour for a walk, and you don’t have time to get somewhere..
- Lack of familiar parks. There are parks, but you have to get to them, so there is no special place to walk. In the same Moscow, there will be more greenery in the summer when compared with Bangkok. Plus all sorts of squares, mini-parks, just an ordinary forest, and so on. And the grass, by the way, in the forest will be normal, not tough. Well, you can just walk along the streets, there are sidewalks in Moscow. And in Tae, only the sea and the beach save in this regard, here there is already expanse, no parks are needed, but there is a time limit, in the morning before the heat you have to be in time.
- Activities with a special child. There is a center for classes, and we like it, but ideally we would like it to be located by the sea, and not in Bangkok. I tried to find something similar on the coast, but to no avail so far. Therefore, either the sea or the occupations.
- No citizenship, no social support, no accessible environment. In principle, you can live on a work / business visa, earn a lot of money, and then you will not need support, but in such situations, you can already choose other countries. Something seems to me vague the future in Tae with a disabled child, if the income is not too high.
What are we going to do next
To be honest, we are now once again at a crossroads. In March-April we are going to China presumably (the weather there is not very good at this time, plus sand storms), and until that time we have to stay somewhere. At first they thought to stay in Moscow, and there are a lot of things to do there, but seeing that Yegor is constantly ill, realizing how difficult it is to walk with him in such weather, the meaning is somehow lost.
We have already worked out the option with the Crimea and Sochi, but in Sochi there are no arrivals in the winter months, which means that only Crimea remains. It has a Darin center with Chinese medicine (the child's parents organized cerebral palsy), the reviews are good, and maybe we will find something else nearby, but is there any sense in front of China to twitch.
In general, either we will hang in Moscow, hoping that it will not get much worse, or we will jump off to Tai for a couple of months at sea to swim Yegor in front of China. Well, we do not exclude that some other options will come to mind, but here everything is changing so quickly..