Yesterday's article about consumer society caused about a hundred comments in one day. It's so strange, you write about travel, no one comments, you write about your views and immediately a flurry of opinions and criticism. Probably I shouldn't have written about women's clothes, women, like tigresses, almost tore me for a new jacket. And my wife yesterday, as luck would have it, was not there to support me in the comments. On the other hand, such popularity can be counted as a success. Can you write controversial articles and increase traffic? How long will such a blog last? 🙂
I continue on the topic. This time about zorbing, as part of my post What to do in Moscow at the weekend. For those who are not interested, you will have a little patience, I just have to try a paraglider and water skiing.
Zorbing in Moscow tries zorbing
So, in the same way I bought a coupon in Biglion for 300 rubles a descent in a zorb. But you can also get a discount on Groupon, when both.
A zorb is a ball with a person inside. Accordingly, he can be rolled down the mountain in this ball, or he can walk along the lake inside. And the action itself is called zorbing. Here's how!
Zorbing in Moscow
The first time I saw a zorbing was in a movie «Armor of God» with Jackie Chan, can anyone watch and remember. I was very impressed then, I was still young. Therefore, as soon as zorbing appeared in Moscow, I decided to try it, or am I not Jackie Chan? Although now people are almost buying such things for the dacha. The price of a zorbing ball is about 100 thousand rubles. I've seen cheaper, but they are kind of worse and less durable.
The zorb feels like a thick greenhouse film or something like soft plastic. The inner ball is attached to the outer ball by metal cables. Before descent, the ball is pumped up by a pump. Ball weight 70 kg.
Zorbing in Moscow
Metal ropes between spheres
Inside the inner ball there is a person (single water zobr). And this person, in this case I, in order not to dangle in the ball during the descent, becomes attached or even, one might say, stretches like Jesus. The arms, legs, and carcass are tied. For some reason, at first I thought that the inner ball should scroll so that I would be in an upright position all the time. But no, the miracle didn’t happen and I was just spinning with the zorb. When descending, you do not control the ball, it just rolls dumbly. My second delusion is that my head may spin. No, not spinning, and the instructor confirmed to me, no one has vomited yet.
The descent distance is only 100 meters. There are guides on the sides so that the ball does not roll anywhere else. This is enough to understand what the sensations will be. To be honest, they are not very pleasant, or in other words, not very comfortable. The flight of the soul is also not observed. And there is no fear either. What is there? And there are just new impressions, unusual 🙂
Those 100 meters down
Zorb preparation
Zorb must first be rolled up
Take off your shoes before getting inside.
Fixing the zorbonaut in place
As in the best erotic films - I'm waiting for a sultry Amazon and even prepared a camera
Zorbonaut is ready to fly!
Rolled down
Rolled down
The landing was successful, it's good that it's not upside down
I climb out contentedly outside
My personal photographer
Zorbing - video from the inside
The young man in charge of the zorbing tried to persuade me in every possible way not to shoot the video, but I did not listen to him, and here is a minute video for you. The descent was very short in time, but it seemed that time had slowed down. I didn't even immediately believe when I watched the video that everything happened so quickly. By the way, the ball rolls fairly smoothly, so there will be no racing drive.
FullHD video, so it's best to watch at maximum resolution