Taxi in Burgas
Taxis in Burgas are represented by about 10 taxi companies: despite the rather limited choice, using the services of any of them, you can easily cover any distance at reasonable prices (all cars have a meter).
Taxi services in Burgas
You can stop a taxi (a burning red light indicates that the taxi is busy, and a green light indicates that it is free) on the streets of Burgas, you can raise your hand, but you should be extremely careful - you should not get into the car of private drivers (the inscriptions on their cars can be very consonant with the names of well-known companies): they not only raise prices by 2-3 times compared to official taxis, but in which case there will be no one to complain about them.
It is easy to find out if a taxi is official in front of you - such cars are marked with a mandatory distinctive sticker of the Burgas City Hall.
Many may be gladdened by the fact that calling a taxi in Burgas is free. In addition, you do not have to wait for the dispatcher's answer - after 1-2 rings you can drop the call, and after a short time you will be called back (after accepting the application, the taxi will drive up within 3-6 minutes).
Numbers by which you can call a taxi in Burgas:
- “Taxi Burgas”: + 359 878 111 234, sms call: 00359 889 700 898;
- “Eco Taxi”: + 359 56 872 777, + 359 899 951 951. The taxi fleet of this company has about 70 cars, half of which are cars with increased capacity, capable of carrying passengers with bulky luggage. Besides, in “Eco Taxi” Russian-speaking dispatchers and drivers meet.
- “Orion Taxi” (you can leave an order by e-mail: + 359 899 800 800, +359 898 832 323.
If you wish, you can also find a taxi at equipped parking lots located in city blocks, in the central area, at the airport and at train stations..
Taxi cost in Burgas
If you have no idea how much a taxi costs in Burgas, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the current tariff system:
- for the delivery of the car, passengers pay no more than 1 leva (this amount will be immediately displayed on the counter upon boarding);
- one kilometer of the route will cost passengers 0.70-1.10 leva;
- the wait will be 0.20 leva / 1 minute;
- the night rate is about 20-25% more expensive than the day rate.
On average, for a trip from the airport to the center of Burgas you will pay 10-12 leva.
At the beginning of the trip, you should definitely insist on turning on the meter, and if the driver refuses to do this, you can safely call the taxi company in which you made the order to complain about it.
Burgas is a fascinating history, rich nature, interesting traditions, many holidays and festivals. To keep up with everything, you cannot do without fast and comfortable transport, so if you wish, you can move around the city by a local taxi.