France trains. Train tickets in France

France trains

France trains

Traveling around France is best done by train. In mountainous areas where there is no railroad, travelers use buses. Trains in France have a well-organized service. The country has super high-speed TGV trains connecting major cities. These trains run between Paris and Marseille, Toulouse, Lyon, Reims and other cities. France's rail network is designed so that all lines pass through the capital. To get to any city, you need to drive through Paris. The trains have class I and II seats, as well as compartments and seats. On some lines, double-deck trains operate.

How to buy tickets

Train tickets in France are inexpensive. The average price is about 50 centimes for 1 km. During peak hours, the cost of travel increases. Super fast train tickets are more expensive. A surcharge is also required for seat reservations. It is better to buy a train ticket at the box office than online. You can find out information about trains, flights and tickets on the website of the French transport railway company It is convenient to buy tickets for super high-speed trains on the Internet, by printing at home on a printer. Traditional trains run in areas without TGV lines.

If you need to book a seat, you can print the ticket yourself. Local trains are designated TER. Historical and tourist trains run in areas with many attractions. Train timetables in France are published on the website On this resource you can view top routes and book a ticket 1 month before departure. The French train search system is not very convenient. It is best to select trains for separate sections of the route and perform the search several times. For pricing information see Guide du voyageur.

French ticket prices

Before traveling to France, a foreigner can buy France vacances and Eurorail cards, which are valid for the entire railway on any trains. Tourists receive discounts on these cards. Various discounts can also be obtained on the days of the blue tariff. Information about such days is published on the website and at the stands near the ticket offices. The country uses a youth card for people under 26 years old. It gives you the opportunity to purchase train tickets on blue days with a 50% discount. For married people, there is a matrimonial card that provides a 50% discount to one of the spouses.

The ticket must be validated before the train departs. If you miss this, you will have to pay a fine. A traveler can get off and on again trains of the same line, but the trip should not be interrupted for more than a day..


  • France trains
  • France trains