What to take to Moscow. What things and medicines to take with you to Moscow

What to take to Moscow

What to take to Moscow

The Russian capital has everything a tourist might need. Therefore, you should not pack too large a suitcase when going to Moscow. You will be able to purchase the necessary things immediately after your arrival. Consider what to take to Moscow for a person who goes there for the first time.

Choice of clothes

In the summer, you need to put light and comfortable clothes in your suitcase. In June and July, you can walk around the capital wearing shorts and a T-shirt. There are many stylish people in Moscow, so this trip will be a great opportunity to showcase your fashionable outfits and buy new ones. The capital is famous for its huge shopping malls and designer boutiques. You can buy everything there. If you are going on a trip in winter, then you will need warm clothes. Although winter frosts in Moscow last no more than three weeks, in the cold season you cannot do without a fur coat, sheepskin coat or down jacket. There is a long and rainy autumn in Moscow. Already in August it is cool here, the sky is overcast, it rains. But you don't need to take too many clothes with you. In any mall, you will find a fashion sale. It is better to buy new clothes locally than to carry heavy suitcases with old things. Taking advantage of promotions and discounts, you can update your wardrobe quickly and inexpensively.
It is better to take money to Moscow than to bring clothes with you. In any case, the things chosen for the road must be versatile and comfortable. It is better to travel in clothes that do not wrinkle much and retain their beautiful appearance for a long time without washing. A good option is clothes made of fabrics with a viscose content. Such materials in a suitcase will not wrinkle and do not get very dirty when worn. If you want to stay in a 4 * hotel and above, you should take your evening dress with you. Maybe a tuxedo won't be useful to you, but it's not customary to wear shorts there..

How to put things in a suitcase correctly

At the bottom you need to put the heaviest things and shoes. Then lighter clothes are put on. Alternate crumpled outfits with T-shirts and knitwear. This will keep them presentable. Roll up some things that don't require careful handling..

What medicines to take on the road

In the capital, you can buy the necessary medicines without any problems. There is a pharmacy on every street. You need to take with you those drugs that you use constantly. On the road, you may need such means as a bandage, pain pills, antibiotic ointment, etc. In addition to medicines, you need to put hygiene products in your bag: a toothbrush, wet wipes, a comb, etc..

Virtual tour of Moscow

Photos of necessary things

  • What to take to Moscow