Coat of arms of Myanmar: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of myanmar

This coat of arms is used in all documents issued by the government of the country. The coat of arms of Myanmar combines traditional and mythological symbols typical for this Asian country.

Brief description of the coat of arms

The coat of arms of Myanmar uses the image of mythical lions that stand opposite each other. In the center of the coat of arms there is a map of the country. The coat of arms uses the traditions of Burmese floral design. There is a five-pointed star at the top of the coat of arms..

At first, the coat of arms of Myanmar contained an inscription «Union of Myanmar», and there were three, not two, lions in him. It also had a circle with an inscription in Burmese. However, the coat of arms was soon changed..

The coat of arms of Myanmar contains socialist elements such as the five-pointed star. During 1974-2008. there was an inscription «Socialist Union of Myanmar».

The meaning of the symbols of the coat of arms of Myanmar

The five-pointed star has a broad meaning:

  • One of the most ancient symbols used in heraldry.
  • Associated with the lofty aspirations of the country's rulers.
  • The combination of a star with a golden color means the desire for wealth and prosperity.
  • Security symbol.

The coat of arms of Myanmar uses the image of a golden star with an extremely important state task. I must say that such stars have the state emblems of many Asian countries. The star also clearly indicates that this is a socialist state..

The coat of arms of Myanmar is required for use in all government documents. This emphasizes their exceptional importance for the country. The coat of arms is also used in all cases when it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the country's development path, its exclusivity among other Asian countries..
