How the Lazhechnikovs bought a car

Well, finally, we bought our own car, not even two months have passed :) The truth is not at all what we had planned. Initially, we wanted a large, roomy car, and even with four-wheel drive, so that we could sometimes get out into nature with a tent. And I started to drive this car to watch. Since the finances were not very much, it turned out to be a 10-year-old American woman with a 3-liter engine and a bunch of horses (Ford Escape). And then the torment began in the form of a struggle between principles and desires. Looking ahead, I will say that the principles still won.

As far back as I can remember, I have always had no luck with cars, it’s some kind of karma. My first Opel turned out to be with broken numbers, and was sold with the indicated problem cheaper and a few days after the purchase. Niva bought for field trips in search for land, amazed with its cross-country ability, but fell apart due to its age. Kia Sportage was bought from trusted friends, but out of my stupidity, I caught a wedge on the engine. The last in this epic was the new Kia Ceed from the salon, in order to avoid any problems on the technical side, but I did not take into account that I would be fired in six months and I would not be able to repay the loan (I then decided not take another job and start blogging, and sold the car).

I don't know how anyone, but then I concluded that you need to live according to your possibilities, not according to your needs, and also that any purchases should be made with a cold heart. A little later, when I began to analyze everything and experiment with life, I realized that this was wrong. «to want» thing, there is some kind of clouding and you can buy something that is completely unnecessary. I remember once writing that I do not feel emotion when shopping, but the car was an exception. I can honestly admit to myself that I long for him, and this is, as it were, unworthy of a man or something. Immediately I remember a character from the Lord of the Rings, who could not get enough of his ring, saying - «my darling». And with cars I have just such a situation happened, and is still happening. By all means, I explain to myself why I need an SUV, or what other car is not quite affordable, I try in every possible way to adjust the budget to it to the detriment of the rest, take a loan or borrow. Apparently my brain is well washed in this regard, like a loader with an iPhone. I remember that in Thailand this feeling completely disappeared, but returned immediately upon returning to Moscow. Along the way, the atmosphere here is such, because in the capital a car is the status and attitude of other people to oneself, and they shake for them as for a living person - they are ready to kill because of a scratch.

For two months I fought with myself, and although there were suitable options, I did not dare to buy such a car, something held me back, perhaps an understanding of what I wrote about in the previous paragraph. Well, and the consumption of 16 liters in the city, of course, embarrassed me, somehow it is wrong that she will eat so much, especially when I go alone in it. As a result, it was decided to take the car, which, firstly, functionally fulfills everything that is needed at the moment, secondly, it is not bought with the last money, and, thirdly, it has absolutely no desire. At least once I had to try to do everything differently, so I hope this time the troubles will pass me by :) Especially since I bought it from a friend, he was courting her. And sometime later, after I get rid of obsessive desires, I may change the car.

Our Mitsubishi Lancer

Our Mitsubishi Lancer

P.S. Perhaps someone will consider such reflections to be my next anti-consumption corral, well, here I am so strange :)

P.P.S. Hooray!!! I went to Crimea on a hike, so I can only respond to comments on published (pre-planned) articles only upon my return :)