The Botanical Garden in Phuket is a pretty pleasant place, and by the name you can guess (who would doubt it) that there are a lot of varieties of tropical plants in Thailand, and everything connected with them, for everyone to see. Thanks to the kingdom's climate, all the diversity of flora is demonstrated not in closed pavilions and greenhouses, but in the open air, in the form of a gorgeous tropical garden. And it is for this format of sight that you should prepare yourself, heading to Botanic Garden - a pleasant long walk through a very beautiful garden.
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Phuket Botanical Garden
Phuket Botanic Garden is a territory several hundred meters in size, along which a pedestrian path is laid so that you always move along it in one direction. The entrance and exit are located in different places, so no one comes across you, does not intersect with your eyes, which is why the atmosphere of solitude and tranquility only wins. There is a souvenir shop just outside the garden, which is almost a standard Thai theme in tourist destinations of this nature. I would like to note that everything has been implemented more than worthily. Everything is done very well, beautifully and with love..
I never cease to be amazed at how the Thais are able to bring beauty and harmony to nature, if they restrict their access to cement. Phuket Botanical Garden is a very good example to follow. Everything I saw there reminded me of something Royal Flora near Chiang Mai, only on a smaller scale. Well, if you love taking selfies or are a fan of photographing beautiful landscapes and bright colors of nature, this is definitely your place. I want to take pictures in the Botanical Garden simply because every corner looks kissed and it is obvious that they had a hand in it..
The area in front of the entrance and ticket offices of Phuket Botanic Garden
Directly entrance to Botanic Garden
Phuket Botanical Garden
Even I, a person who is calm about this kind of sights (and, frankly speaking, saw places and more serious in scale), was still fascinated and took some a couple of hundred photographs. Part of the park is occupied by small gardens stylized for some kind of theme, such as an English garden, a cactus garden, a bamboo garden, a Japanese garden, and so on..
Each kindergarten is a small plot measuring 5 by 5 meters (I didn't measure exactly), the exterior of which is designed in accordance with the name. Decor elements are placed everywhere, there are many pots with plants, hanging plants, artificial reservoirs such as ponds, streams have been created, there are even a couple of waterfalls.
Inside the Botanical Garden in Phuket there is its own authentic cafe and there is a magnificent pond near it, in which there are a lot of pink-red fish swimming (if you know what the name is - write in the comments). There are so many fish, and the water is so clear that you don't even need to throw food into the water in order to take a couple of pictures like mine. Complementary food, by the way, is on sale, and if you wish, you can please this fish kingdom.
The only thing that was not pleasant when visiting Botanic Gardena is that towards the end of the path you pass «Butterfly garden», and as usual in such gardens, you will not see butterflies here. Perhaps it was some special day and they were hiding from the heat, but no matter how much I looked for them around me and under the bushes, I did not find a single one. Not a single one at all. I will not even post a photo of what this garden looked like..
There is even a hotel on the territory of the garden - Phuket Botanic Resort. A great place to stay if you love nature. Considering the man-made splendor around, it would be interesting to live here for a couple of nights. Some of the resort's bungalows have windows and doors overlooking the pond, so if you don't see visitors in the garden, you can expect some pretty interesting emotions. I would not say that spending more than three days here would be a sensible idea, after all, it's far from the sea. Rather, it is an option for an interesting experience and variety on your vacation..
Despite the fact that I visited the Phuket Botanical Garden at 15 o'clock and the sun was still shining well, it was cool in the garden itself - perhaps because of the fountains and ponds. But because of them, mosquitoes ate me, and in a crowded tourist place this is a rather dangerous topic and no one has canceled Money in Asia yet. So it makes sense to bring a repellent with you. And what is characteristic, in Thailand usually you will not find mosquitoes anywhere during the day, they appear only after sunset, and here they were just dark.
My resume is the coolest garden. You can spend hours walking around looking for interesting angles for photos, including selfies. The park is simply tailored for this business, there are many benches or special places for photos. And all this man-made architecture fits well into the outline of the botanical garden. Or vice versa, the garden harmoniously surrounds places with human creations. And - yes, in addition to pure aesthetics, you will find a lot of useful things here if you are a fan of flora - many plants are signed. A person who came to the Phuket Botanical Garden precisely out of interest in plants will also find something for himself. Although, of course, the price is high. But at the price level of all other attractions in Phuket.
There is even a small museum, but there are not enough exhibits.
Bench at the exit of the botanical garden
The gift shop at the exit itself looks like a museum
Information to visit
Prices for visiting the Phuket Botanical Garden: adult 500 baht, child 300 baht.
The garden is open from 9 am to 5 pm daily, after which the guests leave and only the residents of the hotel remain, and the garden becomes its private territory.
I would recommend setting the time for a visit from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the time of day. It can be quite hot here at noon due to high humidity, because the jungle is the jungle..
Excursion «Fauna of Phuket» >
You can visit the bot garden as part of the excursion, so as not to go broke in a taxi. One of these excursions is called «Fauna of Phuket» and it also includes the Bird Park, the Croodile Show and the Dolphinarium. Quite rich and the child should like it.
On the map
I will not explain where it is. Better look at the map, so it will be clearer. It is difficult to drive past, there is a large parking lot and an inscription with the name of the garden.
Look for such a sign on the road.
Full large parking
Botanical Garden (Phuket Botanic Garden)
Botanical Garden (Phuket Botanic Garden)
A trip to the botanical garden should be regarded as just a walk through the garden. Very beautiful garden.
More details.
A trip to the botanical garden should be regarded as just a walk through the garden. Very beautiful garden..