Brief results of 2014 - everything is smooth, without ups and downs

After a long pause (there have been no articles since last year), and following the general trend, I will sum up our results too. I thought for a long time whether it was necessary to write or not, but after all, it will be interesting to read it later for the analysis of life, so let it be better. Yes, and I have already summed up the results of past years - results of 2013 and results of 2012 (there are no other years, unfortunately), it is useful to re-read, so we must continue the tradition. This time I will not sign much, I will briefly describe in the form of a list what was done. True, taking into account the dollar exchange rate and the economic situation, in general it was necessary to do completely different things along the way :)

The content of the article

Results 2014


  • Lived on Samui, in Bangkok and Krabi (before that I was in Phuket, Ko Chang, Pattaya and Chiang Mai). Thus, now I have visited all the resorts of Thailand that are interesting to me in terms of wintering..
  • Made by car circle in the north of Thailand, visited the most beautiful places.
  • Lived in Warsaw, it was an interesting experience.
  • Traveled to Slovakia in Bratislava, tried on the subject of moving.

I agree, not a lot at all, but I personally had enough travels, given that I spent only 5 months in Russia this year. Moreover, we have long liked to live somewhere, and not change country after country, and it’s much more comfortable and easier to organize our work (I dream of getting into my office and working for a year without a break). By the way, I noticed that despite frequent visits to Thailand, I still have a weakness for its north, in which the desire to travel does not dry out.

House by the sea, Koh Samui

House by the sea, Koh Samui

View from the 29th floor, our apartment in Bangkok

View from the 29th floor, our apartment in Bangkok

Revolution in Thailand

Zoo in Bangkok

Oceanarium in Bangkok

North of Thailand

A couple of days of rest in a quiet place

Cave in the national park

Krabi at sunset

Moscow region on the Oka

Warsaw Old Town

Winter in Warsaw

Apart from physical travel, there have been many virtual ones this year. I read blogs and forums, talked with people - studied potential countries for relocation (Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Israel, etc.). At the moment, we have made a decision to stay in Moscow and not twitch, because we do not drag any kind of move mentally and financially. And living in limbo without a base is already pretty tired. Therefore, the base will be in Moscow, because in fact we have it there in fact. It is a pity, then it will not be possible to rent an apartment (there were thoughts of leaving there and renting it out for a long time at full price), but in principle we never counted on it. Well, I don't want to take risks with Yegor, moving. We will wait for him for 4-5 years, when it will be a little more clear about his speech and other features, and we will again decide what's what. In the meantime, you need to think over some kind of universal strategy for your future life / work, even a long-term one. Always jealous of those who can slowly but surely follow their original plan without throwing.


  • Wrote basic informational texts on Thailand. Of course, there is still a lot of information, but there are no tails left from the planned, and there is no point in writing the rest yet..
  • Made a small base of housing for Samui and Krabi. Their separate monetization was planned, but it did not grow together, maybe I will do it later. We need to create more traffic for this ...
  • 80% completed Thailand beaches catalog. A useful thing and the traffic has already started.
  • Sketched Thailand attractions map. In its infancy, to be honest, there are only 200 points, but a start has been made.
  • I posted several posts on banking products. I have long wanted to have answers to questions that are often asked in the comments, now I will only give links. Infa for beginners rather, but this is the very thing to start with, and then on your own.
  • Finally, I changed the design and the cap. The next couple of years can be left alone.
  • Divided the subscription into several parts, as a stage of dividing the blog into 2 separate sites.
  • They took part in a program on the second channel about medical records, where they told their story about Yegor being in intensive care. I hope someday this situation will get off the ground and parents will be allowed to visit the children. Also, at the end of the year, I received an invitation to participate in a program on the first channel about consumerism. Apparently, during the crisis, they want to tell that happiness is not in money, hehe :)

Working on Koh Samui by the sea

Workplace in Bangkok

Work in Warsaw

The blog has become more of a reference than a blog, which has paid off in terms of earnings. Despite the fact that some affiliate programs began to bring in very little, and the reader's traffic dropped somewhat, the overall level of income, on the contrary, remained at a normal level. And the best thing is, if you abandon everything now, then for a couple of years the blog will bring money, although there may not be any readers at all :)

Of course, I do not plan to throw it, but for now it will be a reference book and will remain mainly, since we have no time to travel. Plus, the topic about Yegor worries us most of all now, and this was not a travel at all ... But in general, any body movements with a blog are not so important now, whatever you do with him, the result will be of the same order. Whatever one may say, now, ideally, it is necessary to move away from Russian-language projects, because the ruble will fall in price, meaning a drop in ruble income in any scenario - prices are growing, both in Russia and abroad due to the exchange rate. The tourism industry has also sunk already, if you look at Wordstat, then in 2014 requests «Thailand» was 1.5 times less than in 2013. Traffic on Tay falls in RuNet.


  • We overwintered in Tae, Yegor gained strength by swimming in the sea. We also worked in Bangkok for 3 months, after which there was a leap in speech and communication.
  • Were examined at the Research Institute of Pediatrics. And even if there is no result, but now there is a single extract with a bunch of examinations. It is convenient to send it to the blade or somewhere else. Well, and for show, so to speak, it had to be done, otherwise you will listen to each neurologist and such a comprehensive examination is a panacea, just a little, so you need to do it first, and then come to them.
  • A cochlear implantation operation was performed. The most important event of the year! And after the operation there was a little rehabilitation in Vatutinki.
  • We turned to Kharkiv geneticists, passed a bunch of tests for vitamins and microelements, began to adjust the diet with supplements and a little better sleep, otherwise it was completely trash. Life just got so much easier!
  • We went to Olinek for 2 months. Egor got excellent lessons. But for good reasons, this should be done more often (that's why we think to move to China without a long break).
  • They did a rather expensive analysis - exome sequencing, which can shed light on the general diagnosis. Or not to shed it, because after this analysis it will be completely problematic to search for genetics if it does not show anything. We are waiting for the results.

2014 turned out to be quite eventful for Yegor: 3 rehabilitations, an operation, all sorts of examinations, a bunch of tests. True, it's not the quantity that matters, but the result. It is more difficult with this, but the main thing is that there is progress, albeit slow. It's a little offensive for the child's childhood, through how much he has to go through, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Classes in Bangkok

Hospital in Bangkok

Implant connection

Classes in Warsaw

What's next

To be honest, the economic crisis that frightens most of all, can put an end to rehabilitation (it is expensive now, both abroad, in Russia), and on many years of work with ru-sites. The next year, according to forecasts, will be difficult for many, no matter if you are a freelancer or work in an office. Although, I hope that we will all manage to get out of this. So far, everything is more or less normal, but we will soon find out what lies ahead :)

On the other hand, in such moments it is good to start something new, the situation just pushes for change. I thought hard about 3 things: learning English, learning Java (or something like that), and about my office. It is quite obvious that it would be nice to raise your skill to an acceptable level so that you can freelance (or even get a job) for foreign customers. A good friend of mine started the process of reorientation westward in terms of orders a year ago and recently completed it, now he has income in bucks, which is very timely. It's not a fact that I'm a programmer, but English may be needed now to make an English-language website, and this, in turn, can help diversify income, I would like to have at least part of the currency.

And about the office, a few words - my limit is apparently over, I can't concentrate at all under Yegor's screams, there are too many distractions. And when it comes time to replace Daria, it turns out that I am completely from Yegor «at work» and did not rest, because he is around the clock. In general, the sooner I leave the office, the more I can help Daria. Yes, and Yegor has become a little more independent, it is already possible to leave them alone.

In terms of travel, there are even fewer ideas. From serious only to China for rehabilitation (if we raise money), the rest of the small town - Fryazino, Kaluga (also rehabilitation). I also hope to separately go to Serbia for a week and possibly to Cyprus, I have been looking closely at these countries for a long time. Thailand is also waiting for me for sure, but it is not known when and in what composition we will go there. Maybe mine will go to China, and I'm in Tai to collect material and work.

P.S. These are the simple results of the year :)