I usually do not write such reviews (but I could not resist here), so in short. I had to spend the night in Kabardinka recently, I wanted not to stand near the road, but to go to the camping in order to decorously get the burner, make dinner, sit and look at the sea and go to bed early. Civilization wanted. Fortunately, the camping was marked on the map and bordered on the sea, and the description on local tourist sites was good. In fact, everything turned out to be not so rosy..
The content of the article
Camping description
The campsite is really close to the sea. And this is where all its advantages end. There was a feeling that you were on the territory of an abandoned construction site, only there were not enough workers, or in some kind of industrial zone. I thought that I was finding fault, since the people who are vacationing there at the moment told me that, they say, it's a good place, stay. But I read fluently reviews from real people, and not beautiful descriptions, and realized that I was not the only one who was confused by this situation. Moreover, they are not particularly cleaned even during the season (I was in early October), and when you directly ask the administration about it. Plus, they steal from cars, there were cases. It turns out that you pay money essentially only for the toilet and shower, because everything else is so-so.
There was not a lot of garbage, after all, so I could not at first understand where the unpleasant impressions came from. Then I walked around the campsite and realized. There are very few tables and benches, and those that exist are made of materials «from the garbage», what they found, from that and blinded. On the territory there are two unpleasant kind of unfinished buildings with gaping windows, and they have been standing along the way for a very long time. There are some scraps of ropes, a tire, a lot of cigarette butts of grass, the territory is surrounded by a rickety rusty fence. And the completed buildings (I didn’t understand what it was, maybe for rent) look badly neglected. It is not clear to me how one can enjoy the closeness to nature and relax with the soul. It really felt like everything was done here, with an attitude «people are already happy». Some time ago I wrote a separate post about service in our south.
Turn from the road to the Sail camping, the barrier is closed at night
Camping Parus in Kabardinka
Camping Sail borders the sea
The camping, although close to the sea, is located on a high coast, that is, you have to go down to the sea. The shore there is quite low and there are paths leading down from the camping, and there is also an asphalt road and steps on the edge, you can walk along it, although there is not much difference. There is a playground near the campsite.
Civilized descent to the sea next door
Children's playground near the camping
In principle, it was possible to stay, and there were very few people (October), neighboring campsites were generally closed, but the sense of justice did not allow them to pay for «This» money, therefore I went and just stood near the highway, it turned out about the same, only for free and without this grave atmosphere (it was also cleaner nearby). I just need to sleep (I arrived in the evening, left in the morning), and I still slept in the car and did not put up a tent for the night.
Cost of living
250 rubles / day for car parking.
150 rubles / day for 1 person.
You don't have to pay for the tent.
On the map
Camping Sail
Camping Sail
The camping is located in Kabardinka on the seashore. And these are all its advantages.
More details
The camping is located in Kabardinka on the seashore. And these are all its advantages.