I am an introvert by nature, and if it were not for my wife, then I would have sat in my sink and not leaned out. I don't even like to ask the time on the street, let alone find out how to get somewhere. But there is a silver lining, and perhaps that is why, I have developed the skill of orientation on the terrain and such help from passers-by is very rarely needed..
When I started blogging, I realized that the fear of interacting with strangers terribly prevents me from living and developing further. Of course, I understood this before, but then, this trait did not have much influence on me - you work and work, you get used to colleagues after a while, besides, my work was weakly connected with communication. But when I began to travel more often, I really needed my communication skills: I often have to ask something on the street or in a hotel, and you can't sit in a corner in silence, and in general, on the way, different people meet with whom they want to talk. And if we are talking about remote earnings, then communication is necessary there too: all sorts of useful contacts, tips, besides, you can come up with something together with someone. Therefore, in the last couple of years I have been overdoing myself and getting to know each other 🙂
Meeting with bloggers at our home
I can't say that I was cured, but it became much easier. True, when I once again think about driving tourist groups and doing tourism, I still tremble, all of a sudden I can't find a common language or something else..
In fact, I wanted to say something else. Sometimes meetings are so easy that it seems that you have known people for a long time, and that you yourself have already become an extrovert. And just the last two passed exactly like this at our home. First, Sasha and Natasha came to us, leading the life-with-dream.org blog and temporarily dropped in Moscow (now they left for Tai again), and a week later Sergey and Natasha, who are still working in Moscow, but planning to move to live in the Krasnodar Territory in your camping. It's amazing how many of our interests coincided in life and there were common topics for conversation. I understand more and more how great it is to be virtualized, there are so many interesting people around.
Of course, we met them for a reason on the street - the first were virtually familiar with the first, the second - recently stumbled upon our blog. But this does not change the essence - whoever lacks communication or understanding friends - get out of the shell in search! 🙂