Dolmens of Gelendzhik and a map of dolmens
O dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory I already wrote. About what it is, where it is and why. And today we are talking specifically about the dolmens of Gelendzhik. Why exactly about them? And because they are located very closely and conveniently for visiting. Living in Gelendzhik itself or in the vicinity, you can visit about 20 dolmens without much time and physical difficulties. In fact, there are more of them, but in more inaccessible places. You can ask any seller of excursions in more detail about the desired place, but buying the excursion itself is not at all necessary. What else to see in Gelendzhik, except for dolmens.
The content of the article
Dolmens of Gelendzhik
You can and should go to the dolmens of Gelendzhik from the old (lower) bus station. Buses run almost every hour to Vozrozhdenie, Pshada, Mikhailovsky Pass. Drivers usually know where and what, you can ask where to get off. Travel by bus 20-40 rubles. You can also go to hitchhike, he is light enough in the area.
And so the dolmens of Gelendzhik in order, as they move away from the city of Gelendzhik. The location can also be viewed on the dolmen map below. Please note, in reality there are much more of them, here are the ones where I was personally in the Gelendzhik region.
- Mount Nexis - 2 dolmens, Solnechny and Lunny. Climbing the mountain either along the road leading to the quarry (flat and long), or opposite the gas station, after turning to Divnomorsk, there is a road up (sharp and short). As they say, it is better to come to the Lunar at sunset, and to the Solar at sunrise.
- Vozrozhdenie village, Mira street - 1 dolmen. Walk down the street asking the locals where.
- Vozrozhdenie village, Janet river - 4 dolmens. 3 near (Universal, Harmony, Hidden Opportunities) and 1 at a distance (Power of Spirit). Get off at the bus stop and walk along the river.
- Farm of the Bambakovs «Dolmen» - 4 dolmens: Thor, Love (Maya), Khan, Tenderness. Before reaching one stop to Pshada.
- Pshada village
- On the outskirts of the village of Pshada, a solid dolmen - Mother's Heart, at the end of the main street, in the forest. There are also caves nearby.
- Dolmen village (eight dolmens) a few kilometers from the village along the Pshada river, on the left bank.
- Just behind the village of dolmens there is a single dolmen by the stream (also the left bank of the river)
- On the right bank of the Pshada River, almost immediately after leaving the village, there are 2 dolmens. There are others, if they go back a little or, on the contrary, go forward along the river bed, but I was not there.
- Immediately after Pshada after the stream, turn right and go up the dirt road to Mount Tsygankov, there will be a group of dolmens.
Dolmens map
First, a map of the dolmens I visited, and the location of which I can indicate more or less accurately on a satellite Google map. Some I can’t indicate, because I don’t know how to find them on the map..
Then, pictures taken from the Internet, where more complete information about the dolmens in the area.

Dolmens of Gelendzhik and a map of dolmens
Dolmens of Gelendzhik and a map of dolmens
The entrance to some territories of the dolmens of Gelendzhik is paid, but relatively sane, about 200 rubles, although it is completely unclear what the money is being charged for. There is truth and workarounds.
Dolmens photo
Dolmen Sunny. Mount Neskis.
Dolmen Lunar on Mount Nexis.
Village Vozrozhdenie. Dolmen Strength of the Spirit.
Dolmen Harmony. Village Vozrozhdenie.
Village Vozrozhdenie. Dolmen Ecumenical.
The child of the forests and the Ecumenical dolmen.
Village Vozrozhdenie. Dolmen of Hidden Opportunities.
Dolmen Khan. Dolmen farm near Pshada
If you have any questions about how and where to get, write them in the comments to this post. I can advise, I have already traveled all over this area. It's time to even organize excursions.