We returned to Russia in a positive way and continue to look for advantages!

Traditionally, like all winterers, we want to tell you what it is like to return from distant lands to the atmosphere familiar from childhood. In principle, all the negative points have already been said by us earlier (impressions after the first trip, impressions after the second), and we do not refuse anything: gloomy faces, high prices, lack of tasty fruits, inability to rent housing for a short time, cold, and all other difficulties. Actually, all this is not new, and there is even no point in discussing it, since the one who wintered felt it all on his own skin and knows what I am talking about. It is clear that not everyone has such an opinion, but this is normal, we can all perceive the same things in completely different ways..

So, this time I do not want to repeat myself, and generally decided to go the other way. Since we have to spend the next year in Moscow, it makes sense to focus on the advantages that are also available here. It seems that we usually do this anyway, but this «returnee» there was no article yet. So, let's focus on what is good in Russia, and what can please the winterer after a long absence..

The content of the article

First impressions

The flight was great! Everything is relative!

The flight was great! Everything is relative!

It's funny, but I thought many things were fixed in my memory forever, and the first days were such that it was as if I had not been here for 10 years, some kind of complete prostration and not adaptability, I even forgot the name of our Internet provider, and on the street in the first day went with a passport, can you imagine ?! :) We have not been there for only 7 months, but now we need to make an effort to remember how and what is being done here. Honestly, the first time like this, either I immersed myself too much in Thai life, or I didn't have enough memory cells in my head.

It became unusual to drive a car with a left-hand drive, all the time I strive to go to the oncoming lane, and my left hand twitches every time, trying to change gear (the lever is now on the other side). And now we must remember that the car must be closed, otherwise I completely relaxed in the tropics. For some reason, very cold water flows from the tap and very hot, and not just warm, how! I almost scalded myself a couple of times ... You have to walk around the apartment in slippers, not barefoot, even in a sweater, but it's cool. The world was filled with a large number of various items (instead of a backpack, a bunch of boxes with things) and cases (payment of receipts, moving, clinics, home improvement, changing bank cards, etc.).

The apartment is pretty cool from habit

The apartment is pretty cool from habit

And, finally, I can wash myself with my beloved tar soap, I like its smell as well as the smell of durian :)

What was difficult about Tae this time

First, a little about what we didn't like about wintering this time, about what we felt as a result of a deeper dive. And read a general and collective article about the cons here.

I wanted more from classes with Egor in Bangkok. And the difficulty was that we simply had nothing to compare with, because before that in Russia we had no real classes, no one took up Yegor. Now he has grown up and urgently needs to study in Moscow so that there is a starting point, or maybe we just want too much. And it is also necessary to drive to China (in the fall, probably), in order to check there too.

It was not clear how to solve difficult issues due to the language barrier and the peculiarities of Thai culture. For example, I am having a problem with MacBook, in the authorized centers refused to resolve the issue, small workshops were also sent. I know how to fix it in Moscow, I will find it right through the Internet and agree. Or another example, when they make a crooked examination in a hospital, how to understand where to do the normal? Do not go through all the hospitals in a row ... There were other moments. Surely, all questions have solutions, but this takes time, and we have a hard time with him.

We needed a car anyway, and it was expensive to buy it for several months. Renting is also not cheap, and you somehow worry about every scratch. The same can be said about the constant adjustment of everyday life - it is annoying. It turned out stupid, 5 dwellings were replaced in 7 months. In general, the further, the more there is a need for a permanent base, from where only short excursions are made, because it is too costly to equip housing and life every time.

We also got a little tired from the heat, especially at the end of spring. Due to the need to use the air conditioner at night (otherwise Egor does not sleep), it did not work out in the end to adapt. 27-28 degrees is quite good and pleasant for itself, but higher already, it is not ice at all. And in April-May it reached 33, a lot!

It was hot in Tai for the last month

What pleased Russia upon my return

What a cool Internet here! I immediately connected the speed of 80/50 Mbps to merge 600 gigabytes into the cloud (backup photos). I waited specially from Thailand to do it. Wow, it flies like everyone else, uploaded it in a few days! I really don't know what else to download / upload.

A full-fledged supermarket 5 minutes from the house on foot! And a few more in 10 minutes ... Now it is not necessary to go for groceries by car, and in general it can be done by someone else besides me (I drive alone in the family). True, I decided to mainly go shopping in Auchan, where the prices for Thai are more or less similar. Yes, but the labels, labels are readable, the composition is in Russian and is 100% clear :)

Prices for Thai coconuts are cosmic, but full of everything else (except vegetables and fruits)

In your own home (base), you can make a bunch of holes in the wall for a hammock and a new shelf, buy the necessary equipment, buy various household items. «ejection», but normal. So in the near future I will hang a hammock and buy a new washing machine (old khan), and maybe even play an extra room on the balcony if the fuse remains.

We fix the vacuum cleaner with Egor

Guys, it's great that the day is so long, it gets dark in the summer very, very late. So much can be altered, and there is no need to run headlong for a walk with Yegor after a nap. Usually he wakes up at 17 o'clock, but in Thailand at 18.30-19.00 it is already dark, we did not have time.

Still, despite its introversion, it will be so great to see the family faces of friends and communicate more deeply, since you have known people for a long time.

What's next

Surely, everyone is interested, but what next? I answer: while we are in Moscow, we are doing our own thing, conducting various examinations and possibly an operation to Egor, since we have gained a little strength and can again go into battle. There are no further plans, and, frankly speaking, I don’t want to guess anything. As everyone has already noted, articles are now published much less frequently and will continue to be published in about the same way, because we have already scheduled 5 appointments with specialists, a massage course, a course of exercise therapy, hospitalization for a full examination is coming. And besides that, we moved back to Butovo and dismantle boxes of things.

The distribution of things has begun

The rest is waiting on the balcony for its time

Perhaps we will be hospitalized here, if we are lucky

And we will write about our adventures in Moscow or medical tourism to the nearest countries. Also, a little material remained on Thailand, it would be necessary to finish off. In general, there is a desire to get away from geography, in the form in which it originally began. It will not work well to describe something other than Thailand, just not a few years for it. And ideally, you need to write about what does not bind you to this or that country, then you do not need to be in it for this.

P.S. I want to be understood correctly, I do not try to compare the two countries in terms of where it is better to live. Always and everywhere there will be pros and cons, there is no perfect place. Moreover, this is not an objective view at all, but simply some personal feelings that change depending on current views, circumstances, and, ultimately, mood. If you need more «dry infa», then she is here Pros and cons of Thailand.