Since I am a fan of all kinds of ruins, especially those that are hundreds of years old, in Thailand the first thing I did was to go to the Historical park Kamphaeng Phet. He is not as famous as his brother Sukhothai Historical Park, and I could not even find anything worthwhile about him on the Russian-language Internet (in the English-language one is). At the same time, he does not lose his attractiveness at all, at least for me. On the one hand, it has survived, in my opinion, much worse than Sukhothai, but on the other hand, there are almost no visitors in it. Sukhothai is also not a mass pilgrimage mecca, but one can be alone there only in remote temples, and even then for a short time. Therefore, if you need spectacles, then you are not here, but if you think, relax and rest from the crowds, then just right.
IN the town of Kampeng Pet I spent about 3 days, but did not manage to exhaust it during this time. In addition to the Kampeng Pet Historical Park, there are several other national parks nearby, one of which is the second highest waterfall in Thailand (90 m). Looking ahead, I will say that we, as part of several foreigners, bought a tour in a guesthouse, but in fact, you can ride a bike there.. Khong Lan Waterfall - 100m waterfall and guide how to get to the national park.
If you want to stay in Kampeng Pet, we have reviews of two guesthouses in this city: Green Park Hotel and Three j gueshouse. Hotels in Kampheng Pet can be searched also on RoomGuru, there you can immediately see all hotels in all databases of existing booking systems. This is relevant, because there are very few hotels here, and there are some in one database, some in another, you get tired of looking.
The content of the article
- one Information to visit
- 2 The first part of the Kampeng Pet Historical Park
- 3 The second part of the Kampeng Pet Historical Park
Information to visit
The historic park is divided into two main parts. There is a third one, which is not displayed on the maps now, that are sold at the entrance to the park. I visited only the first two, as I was limited in time. I recommend renting a bike (200 baht per day) to view the city and the historical park, you can do this in Three j guesthouse, or allow for more time to stay. There are still bicycles in the guest house (50 baht per day), but, as usual, the old ones are great, urban and without speeds, so such a trip will not differ much in terms of physical activity from walking, and besides, it can be difficult in the heat. ... And how to get to this province in general, read here - Kampeng Pet, how to get and what to see.
The cost of a ticket to one of the parts is 100 baht, children are free. If you buy a ticket for both parts at once, then 150 baht. On the spot near the entrance you can also rent bicycles for 50 baht per hour, but on my arrival all the bikes were broken. Opening hours of the park from 8 to 18 hours.
Kampeng Pet Historical Park Map (clickable)
Kampeng Pet Historical Park Map (clickable)
The first part of the Kampeng Pet Historical Park
It is located closest to the city and can be easily reached on foot. It is small, literally several temples are located in one line along the asphalt road. The territory is very well-groomed and clean, the paths are paved, and the lawns are mowed, well, everything is very neat, although there are almost no visitors. Judging by the numbers on the tickets, we were the first foreign visitors that day, and we came at the close. But the park is protected by UNESCO, you need to keep the status.
It is hardly possible to ride a motorbike here, only a bicycle. But even without a vehicle, the territory costs a maximum of 30-60 minutes, and this is if you walk quite slowly. It is elongated and in fact you walk along one path and look around.
There are two main temples - Wat Phra That and Wat Phra Kaeo. Apart from them, there are several more, visually in about the same state, but less important. Stupas, the remains of columns, barely visible figures of Buddhas in incomprehensible stone statues, elephants with broken trunks - that's all that remains of the temples.
Kampeng Pet Historical Park
Modern paths in the park
The brick is already covered in plants and moss
Temple Wat Phra That
Trees have won a place in the sun for so many years
Almost jungle
Only legs and half of the body remain of the Buddha statue
Something is already ripe on the tree
Moshkara flies its intricate routes
Temple Wat Phra Kaeo
Looks like skinned
A whole lawn has grown on the wall
Remains of sculptures in niches
Restored Buddha statues
Sunset is approaching, it's very beautiful here!
Instead of a head, they just put stones on top
Trunks attached to elephants
Trunks attached to elephants
On the edge of the historical park, a functioning temple
The second part of the Kampeng Pet Historical Park
It is located a little further, go to it about 1 km from the first one. It is several times larger in area and, one might say, is located in the forest. Since the road is no longer near, the silence is complete, which cannot but rejoice. From foreigners, most likely you will not meet anyone, and only Thais who play sports in 35 degree heat will wave their hand at you.
There are already a dozen or more temples here, however, most of them are concrete ruins. It is worth watching at least 3 of them: Wat Phra Non, Wat Si Iriyabot, Wat Chang Rob. Allow more time for this part, as it is very cool to walk there. It is best to move around this area by transport (bike or bicycle), since the distances are long. Don't forget to take water with you, it's hot there, there is nowhere to buy on the spot.
Bicycle rental in Kampeng Pet Historical Park
Dogs know themselves are asleep, because the heat
Remains of Wat Phra Non
Cobweb in the rays of the sun
I spit on your stones, I want to live!
Road to Wat Si Iriyabot
Remains of Wat Si Iriyabot and Buddha sculptures
More or less preserved, unless, of course, restored
Cleaned up every day
Table with benches - picnic area
Kampeng Pet Historical Park
Prehistoric well with water
A fence around one of the temples
Remains of elephants and Wat Chang Rob temple
Remains of elephants and Wat Chang Rob temple
Brain ladder
Some of the temples are abandoned and not cleaned
But the sun is always here
Nature has almost swallowed this chedi
Met an elderly nun on the way
P.S. Word «hot» it was mentioned in the title for a reason. Despite the shade of the trees in the historical park, it seemed to me too hot, maybe I'm not used to it (a week has passed only after Moscow), or because there is not a breath of breeze ...