When we arrived in Gelendzhik, it seemed to me that everything would be somewhat simpler than it actually turned out. The calculation was as follows - we arrive in mid-May, it is not yet season, we rent a house for a month, and everyone around is happy, and the owners that they will earn extra money, and we, because we will save on the cost of rent. Perhaps we were just spoiled by Southeast Asia, since everything is logical and simple in this regard..
Once I already wrote an article Rest on the coast of Russia or in Turkey?, inspired by our month-long trip to Russia, and in principle my opinion has not changed. I still do not quite understand why go there for a beach vacation, neither the beaches are normal, nor the service, and even the mud will be a shaft in the season. Camping with a tent just one can understand, but if to a hotel, then even with a flight it will be cheaper in Turkey, only the level will be completely different. But oh well, I'll tell you about the conclusions in terms of housing.
The content of the article
- one Conclusions about renting a home for a month
- 2 How to rent a house in Gelendzhik
- 3 Our little search experience
Conclusions about renting a home for a month
So, although we did not come to rest, but to test our lives for the subject of moving, in fact, our search for housing differed little from the search for ordinary vacationers. And that's why - almost no one wanted to make a discount for our accommodation due to the fact that we immediately wanted to rent for a month. For locals, this is too short a period and we do not fall into the category of long-term rent. Thus, in the season or right before the season, the duration of one month does not mean anything, and most of the landlords want a daily payment. We, of course, found a couple of options, but this still needs to be searched. So you can apply for a discount either, if you shoot for a really long time, or out of season, or for the entire summer period. That is, for ordinary vacationers who come on vacation, only daily rent shines..
How to rent a house in Gelendzhik inexpensively
The second conclusion that we made is that the owners of the rooms may simply not want to rent out the housing, because it is not ready yet, they say, you need to sweep, give out the laundry, the season has not yet come and all that. You almost have to beg, and the people talk with such reluctance, with such a stone face, hmm ... And they say that they live badly 🙂 Ha! Yes, for me everything is fine here, since you don't need extra money. There was one woman who even called the price high on purpose in order to end the conversation as soon as possible..
Sometimes there was a feeling that all the landlords secretly agreed among themselves that in no case should they dump. You come to the guest house, and there is not a soul there, and obviously there will be no one else for a month, but no, no discount, no indulgences, and the summer price is beaten. Most of all, I was struck by the fact that housing in the village of Beregovoe (5 km from the sea and zero infrastructure) is more expensive than in Gelendzhik and is comparable to the price of an apartment in Moscow. 15-18 thousand per month for a small room without amenities with 2-4 shovel beds and a rickety wardrobe (by the end of summer it will be even more expensive). I was so shocked that I didn't even take a picture of IT. In Gelendzhik, of course, this also occurs, but the conditions are generally better, air conditioning may be, a bathroom in the room, etc..
Photo from the Internet, like this it costs 15-18 thousand per month in Beregovoye
Most often, the price goes not for a room, but for a person, therefore, if a lot of people travel to you, it may be cheaper to rent an apartment in Gelendzhik or Divnomorskoye, because apartments are often calculated for a large family and put several beds, with a limit of up to 4 -6 people, and the conditions there are a priori better due to isolation. When renting an apartment, you should also bear in mind that many of them are rented out only by the day for the summer period, and even those who rent an apartment for a whole year have to pay a higher price for the summer months..
How to rent a house in Gelendzhik
I turn to the point of how you can look for housing in Gelendzhik and the surrounding area. To be honest, there are few normal sites, that is, there are a lot of sites, but everywhere there are only intermediaries and outdated data. Call «owner», and they tell you right away, and there is such an apartment, and such, but everything goes away so quickly, the prices are not lower in any way, decide faster anyway without an agent you will not find. Steam in general.
At the beginning of the season (end of May-June), the cost of housing in Gelendzhik starts from 250-350 rubles / day per person for a simple room with amenities (sometimes the amenities are shared by 2-3 rooms) and somewhere from 1000-1200 rubles / day for an apartment ... Then prices rise every month, reaching 500 rubles and 2000 rubles in August, respectively, and in September they fall to the June level, then the season ends.
Local search
Actually, the main way to find hotels the same as in Asia - namely on the spot or on recommendations from friends, because very many hotels are not present anywhere on the Internet. We arrived, walked in the right area, asked around, saw what was most suitable, and settled in.
True, in this way it is easier to look for mini-hotels or hotels, because they have signs on the street «Rooms for rent», «Hotel such and such». But with apartments there are other ways: the Internet, a newspaper, an agency. Of course, you can also look at the ads posted in the area, but I have not tried.
Also, do not forget that even at the railway station or at the airport, especially after the season has begun, the owners and taxi drivers themselves will meet and obsessively offer to settle in 50 meters from the sea behind «very cheap». If you are already in Gelendzhik, then you can go to the bus station (which is old and in the city center), there is always someone from offering.
Internet search
Hotels and rooms
It is better to look for hotels and rooms in guest houses traditionally at Hotellok. This is an excellent service for comparing prices for hotels in different booking systems. I know that many people use only Booking, but there are many more booking systems and, at least, it makes sense to look through a couple more if you are traveling in Russia.
Since Hotellook shows hotels from all systems at once, the database is simply huge. You will find something anyway. Well, as I said, you can choose through whom to book this or that hotel will be cheaper..
I would recommend using only two sites for finding an apartment - Airbnb and Avito, they have the largest and most relevant offers. Moreover, the services work in completely different ways. Avito is just the most ordinary ads, so you will run into the same intermediaries, stumble upon outdated ads, you will not receive any guarantees. Airbnb, on the other hand, is a special service for direct booking of accommodation, with some guarantees, payment by card, reviews from other guests.
After registering with Airbnb, you can claim your $ 20 bonus here. The bonus can be used within a year after registration by making the first booking. And be sure to check out my post. about Airbnb, in which I told how to register, how to verify an account, how to look for accommodation, etc..
Below there are more links to the sites, there are much more of them, but even to browse these sites it will take time. Plus, you will need to call the options you like and find out if the room / apartment / house is free and what are the conditions for booking. At the same time, there are no guarantees that you will not be thrown for money when booking in advance or on a room that you will be busy upon arrival.
Finding housing through the newspaper
The newspaper is called «With a light hand» and advertisements for renting or selling are posted there. To make it easier to understand, I will explain, there are ads in blocks, first rooms, then 1-room apartments, then 2, then houses and plots. And you need to flip through almost the entire newspaper, because the blocks do not go in a row.
Newspaper With a light hand
In fact, this method is more suitable for finding an apartment, rather than rooms, and for a long time. There are much more such ads than on the Internet (only on Avito I met offers for a long time). But there are also offers for daily rent. It is worth considering that there are enough agents here, some of them can be calculated by the same phone number.
Our little search experience
I will briefly describe our experience, suddenly someone will come in handy.
- Initially, we started looking at rooms in Beregovoye, Vozrozhdenie, Krinitsa, Betta (we went and asked the locals who rent out). As I wrote at the very beginning of the post, there were absolutely inadequate prices for the rooms..
- We switched to finding a room in Gelendzhik. But almost nowhere was there a normal courtyard, at best, tables and benches in a narrow space and everything was rolled up in concrete, sometimes the whole thing was also near the track. And our child has to crawl somewhere, the room is small (sometimes without a window), you will go crazy there, so at least a yard is needed, but in Gelendzhik everything is very cramped, a house on a house, therefore the rooms are small and the yards. Moreover, the owners praise so much that they have a yard, and it is all like that for children, and super-conveniences, but in fact it turns out that we have very different views on all this..
- Then we realized that in addition to the yard, we need our own bathroom, toilet and, preferably, a kitchen, not shared. Moreover, if suddenly someone in the neighborhood moves in, then we do not want to cross with anyone and make a toilet or kitchen with them, and they will not be delighted with our screaming child (he is so cute in the pictures).
- As a result, we switched to looking for an apartment or a house, that is, something isolated in Gelendzhik itself. Almost on the very first day, I found 2 good deals on Airbnb and went and looked at them. The first one was a room, but quite large, with good furniture, air conditioning (the amenities on the floor are divided into 3 rooms). The owner immediately said that they say why it will be idle, I will gladly hand it over to you cheaper than usual, that is, for 15 thousand per month. It is a pity that few such adequate hosts were met. The second proposal is an entire floor of a cottage, two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, air conditioning, shower and toilet, a pool in the yard and a green courtyard with grass, mountain views, there is not much furniture, but enough. The owner wanted 30k a month for this, which is very cool for a resort, and it's clear what you're paying for. Minus - half an hour walk from the sea and parks, and on the mountain. So the experience with Airbnb was pretty good..
- To be on the safe side, I bought a newspaper and phoned about 10 advertisements for renting one-room apartments. At a price of 20-25 thousand rubles per month, there were two offers, the rest, either rented out only by the day, or, conversely, only for a long time. They also gave me the contacts of one person in Gelendzhik and he also tried to find something for us, but found nothing sensible.
P.S. I see no point in photographing all the housing that I saw and making an overview, because there is too much of it and it is quite the same type. And apartments and rooms on Airbnb, you can see for yourself on their website.