I invite you to the correspondence training "Exercise - Together"
If you are reading our blog, you probably already understood that we are not indifferent to a healthy lifestyle and, with varying degrees of success, try to maintain ourselves in a normal physical condition. This mainly concerns active pastime, although it happened to go to the gym. Now they are carried away by yoga, but they started to run in the morning. In this regard, I want to invite you to the correspondence training «For charging - together».
Exercise in the morning
Dousing in the morning
Frisbee on weekends
It so happened that nature did not endow us with Siberian health, so that we could relax and do nothing. Once I opened my children's card from the clinic, so it was so fat, I had colds 5-10 times a year. And when I stopped smoking and drinking 7 years ago, and then turned into a vegetarian, it saved the situation, but not completely. Because the older you move, the more you sit at the computer at work, physical inactivity you know.
I recently wrote an article «Human capabilities are incompatible with the modern world?«, complaining that if the work is inactive, then you have to artificially invent yourself loads. Of course, the question has still remained open, since it is not yet suitable for me to retrain as a loader or a peasant. But since we still have to do something, even if artificially, we started running and doing yoga. And at this moment one of our readers - Evgeny Yekimov - offered to participate in a correspondence training session dedicated to developing a good habit - exercising in the morning, running, hardening, etc..
And I'll tell you what. When you know that you are not doing it alone, but in a good company of like-minded people, when you realize that you are ashamed to write in a report about the past day «missed», then the motivation increases. At the same time, next to those people with whom you can consult, who will support your undertaking. And most importantly, it is very convenient, because there is a leader who leads the whole process, prompts, gives tasks both general and for a specific person.
The training lasted 3 weeks, which is enough to develop a habit. But you need to remember about a very important point - first of all, you need to learn how to enjoy physical activity, and only then it will be difficult to refuse it, like ice cream.
If you understand that the time has come and it's time to finally take care of yourself, what «I'll start on Monday» - just an excuse and it can last for years, then I invite you to take part in the new correspondence training conducted by Eugene. You can sign up on his blog http://summertoys.livejournal.com/. If we don't go anywhere, we will also participate in it. The beginning is very soon - June 19. Who wants to join the company - welcome!