Nai Yang Beach - deserted beach near Phuket airport
When we lived in Phuket in large house with three bedrooms, then friends came to us. By the way, it’s very cool when someone who you haven’t seen for a long time arrives, and at the same time there is a lot of room in the dwelling for guests. In the future, it will probably be necessary to rent a house with the same layout in order to invite everyone from Russia to visit.
We were specially expecting them to go somewhere together. And this very place was the sandy Nai Yang Beach near the Phuket airport. In fact, we went to the nearby Mai Khao Beach, but got stuck (bought) on this, and scored. Why go there? There are very few people there, and the beaches are almost deserted (this is especially true for Mai Khao Beach, where we did not get), and pine trees grow on the shore. If you digress a little, you might think that you are on the shore of some lake in Central Russia. The last time we saw a similar picture on Lake Volgo in the Tver region.
How we drove
It was our longest bike trip in the whole winter :) We rode as much as 50 km one way. And I can say that I liked it. If you take your time and drive all the time on the left lane, then the likelihood of difficult situations decreases. Our friends drove like that for the first time, and besides, their bike was so-so. As a result, everyone is happy and alive..
Riding a bike far far away
Ready for the trip!
Our friends
On the way home
Phuket Roads
Phuket Roads
Beach on the map:
Nai Yang Beach
Nai Yang Beach
The point is indicated near one of the entrances to the beach. The beach is not at all a resort, there are few hotels, cafes, too, the infrastructure is not very good. But here you can quietly and calmly relax. The central part is worth choosing.
Read about the beach.
The point is indicated near one of the entrances to the beach. The beach is not at all a resort, there are few hotels, cafes, too, the infrastructure is not very good. But here you can quietly and calmly relax. The central part is worth choosing. Read about the beach.
Nai Yang Beach
Deserted Nai Yang Beach
At high tide, the waves almost wash over the trees
There are solid pine trees on the beach
Photoshoot with mango
Just a photo session
Already on the spot, we realized that it was here that the famous tsunami had taken place, from which many people suffered. It, of course, affected all the western beaches of Phuket, but, firstly, we did not visit others, and secondly, damaged hotels and buildings still remain here..
Abandoned hotel
The hotel seems to be also inoperative
Toilet half submerged
And on the other hand, there is no wall at all
At Nai Yang Beach, the entry into the sea is very shallow, I never got to where I would have been at least up to my neck, tired of going. A little later, the low tide began, and it became clear that I would not have reached most likely. Too far away.
Low tide for hundreds of meters
Low tide at Nai Yang Beach
Low tide at Nai Yang Beach
Tropical paradise in Phuket
Low tide at Nai Yang Beach
Tropical paradise in Phuket
Low tide at Nai Yang Beach
Low tide at Nai Yang Beach
At low tide, many locals go to pick stones and get something edible from them, or shells, or something else. We found only a large number of hermit crabs that run very dashingly on the ground..
Local collect something
Local collect something
The hermit crab tried to bite my finger
In general, we liked the atmosphere of this place - it is quiet, calm, there are uncrowded beaches, there is a cafe, there is housing, and most importantly, such native pine trees. It makes sense to think about living there for a while if we consider Phuket.
If you would like to inquire about short term accommodation options in Phuket, I have a personally compiled hotel overview. In general, the choice of housing in Phuket is presented for any budget, it remains only to open RoomGuru and choose what you like.
Beach cafe
Cafebus near the beach
Drawings in the sand from marine life