Nira's Home Bakery - coffee, breakfast and comfort

Nira’s Home Bakery is one of the most popular places among Europeans where you can come for a portion of well-brewed coffee (and this is a serious problem in Thailand - finding good coffee), have a snack with homemade food, please yourself with decent pastries and take a break from the heat under air conditioning, with ice cream in a glass. The bakery, according to the islanders, is one of the top 10 restaurants in Phangan, and is one of the few places where you can have breakfast in Phangan. A good location, a large room and a master chef - all this you will find in Nira Bakery.

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Nira’s Home Bakery

Nira Bakery occupies a fairly spacious room near the main pier in Phangan in Tong Sale. There is a scooter rental across the street from the establishment, after which a narrow strip of the coast begins and immediately the sea. Basically, if you choose a table on the street, then you will even have some kind of sea view, although I would prefer not to gather dust near one of the busiest roads on the island and move inside. It is both cooler and quieter there, and for the comfort of visitors, the outer windows are covered with a matte film to the waist level. That is - you are looking out the window, but no one is staring at what is under your table - it is important for girls in a short.

The dining room is divided into three conventional sections, which at first glance, judging by the different furniture, were added gradually. Then, looking at the old pictures of the bakery on the net, I was convinced of this. The business expanded, the owner rented an adjacent room, cut openings in the wall and bought new furniture there. There is now an evenly distributed bakery display and checkout counter, ice cream refrigerators, a grocery store and a bookcase..

The quality of the cuisine (and European dishes are prepared here) is not that fantastic, but delicious. A large selection of menus, and a huge plus for the institution for the work schedule: from 7 am to 7 pm. To find a place on the island where you can have breakfast with comfort and deliciousness - you still need to try. After all, the bulk of establishments of this kind open at noon at best, preferring to scratch profits from tourists walking in the evenings..

Nira's Home Bakery Phangan

Nira’s Home Bakery Phangan

Information to visit

As I said above, they work from seven to seven. There is no private parking, but they are located near the road and the entire roadside is yours, if it is free. Great for snacking and waiting for your ferry, take away food available.

On the map

Nira's Home Bakery Cafe

Nira's Home Bakery Cafe
An iconic cafe with good coffee and there Coconut Mama IceCream ice cream
More about the cafe.

An iconic cafe with good coffee and there Coconut Mama IceCream ice cream.