Of the ten temples I have seen on Koh Samui, Wat Khao Hua Jook immediately stands out for the successful coincidence of several parameters at the same time. «Ideal Attractions». The main structure of the temple is the pagoda (chedi), this is a bright exotic structure. It is easy to find, it is on a decent hill, but it is easy to drive in and it is open on all sides. That is, a no-joke review - 360 degrees. Except for maybe a couple of tops of particularly tall trees.
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Chaweng Temple and Pagoda
To the above, I can only add that at the very top of the hill there is enough space for parking any type of equipment, and the area around the Khao Hua Chok temple and pagoda (Khao Hua Jok, Khao Hua Juk) is wonderful, and more importantly - a safe balcony for walking with children. From the parking lot to the pagoda, you have to climb three to four flights of stairs on foot, which can seem a little difficult in the midst of the heat.
I did not see the history of the pagoda nearby, as is usually the case in such places - they hang a short squeeze on the stand. But I know for sure that in 2016 the pagoda underwent a major reconstruction, increased in size, and outwardly changed for the better, but the bells were really missing. Earlier there were cables with bells hanging over the railing around the perimeter, and even a weak gust of wind used to cause a very pleasant melodic chime. In combination with panoramic views, it turned out to be a complete «head off», which now no longer exists, alas.
One of the advantages of this place is that you can clearly see even Big Buddha, not like the airport and the runway. Considering the fact that planes on Koh Samui land and leave almost every hour, everyone who arrives on the hill has a chance to film the takeoff or landing of the plane. On the lower level of the building there is a fairly spacious area with concrete tables and benches, you know, classic Thai outdoor furniture. Which does not heat up in the sun and is pleasantly cold when you sit down to have a snack.
View of the pagoda from the Chaweng Lake
Left - roadside parking, right - the beginning of the stairs to the pagoda
Chaweng Pagoda
Entrance to the first level of the pagoda, in front of the stairs you need to take off your shoes
Inside the first level of the pagoda
Inside the second level of the pagoda
Flooded lowlands of Bang Rak and Phangan on the horizon
Takeoff of the Samui airport and the hills of the Plai Lam area
Chaweng and lake view
Khao Hua Chok Pagoda
View towards Bang Rak, you can see the runway
Information to visit
Entrance to the territory of the pagoda 20 baht.
If you wish, you can leave donations - jars are placed at every corner. Let me remind you that walking here, as in other holy places for Buddhists, is allowed only barefoot. Shoes are usually left at the beginning of the stairs, which is the last one in front of the pagoda. Well, or take off their shoes before entering the lower room.
Even before you enter the site with the building, there will be toilets for visitors and monks on the right. Do not use the ones that say they are monk's toilets..
After inspection, when you return back to the parking lot, there is no need to turn around - this is a one-way road. The exit is right on the course, just keep going and the road starts to go down around the bend.
On the map
Viewpoint and Wat Khao Hua Jook Temple
Viewpoint and Wat Khao Hua Jook Temple
A beautiful temple and a viewpoint with a very magnificent panoramic view, including airplanes taking off and landing. In the evening everything is on fire and also beautiful.
More about the pagoda.
A beautiful temple and a viewpoint with a very magnificent panoramic view, including airplanes taking off and landing. In the evening everything is on fire and also beautiful.More about the pagoda.