A short note on the topic of motion sickness in transport, sometimes people ask. In general, I rarely get motion sickness, but my mother suffers from this in full. She is not very well, and in the car, and on buses, and even on trains. Maybe age, maybe something else. Moreover, the older I am, the more susceptible I am. I remember I went to Pai and managed to sit at the very end of the car, and Thai drivers are running around like crazy, so I chatted decently, I went out all green.
Motion sickness pills in Thailand
In general, if you are familiar with this situation, then it is best to prevent it. Especially if you go to the mountains. There are pills for motion sickness, they can be bought at any pharmacy and are often sold in 7-eleven too. Come and talk - car sickness. If the pharmacist speaks English, then he will immediately understand what it is about. If he doesn't speak, then the theater of one actor comes to the rescue, I think everyone understands how to portray. I did it 🙂
Alternatively, you can show the title in English - Dimin or just a picture from my post. It will be easier, they will definitely understand. Just in case, I remind you, be sure to make honey insurance, especially to Asia. Especially for you, I constantly update my insurance rating, which I compose based on reviews and personal experience.
In other countries, they may be called differently, but the active ingredient will be the same - Dimenhydrinate (Dimenhydrinate). The pills themselves are often called Dramina. In principle, you can take with you from Russia right away, I carry a couple of pills with me just in case. But on sea excursions they are often given out before sailing..
Motion sickness pills in Thailand
Bracelet against motion sickness in transport
And there is another way, not medication. When I saw him for the first time, I wondered what the hell this is. But it really works, oddly enough! It has been checked many times already. So, we are talking about acupuncture bracelets with a pimple that presses on a certain point on the arm. They can be bought in a pharmacy in Moscow, they cost about 500 rubles..
To be honest, the price is too high for a cloth, considering that the bracelets are also lost. Therefore, the way out is to order for a penny on Aliexpress. Such or such, they cost about a dollar only. If they do not work, at least it will not be a pity to throw it away or give it back.
Life hack - when shopping on Aliexpress, you can get cashback up to 11% through the EPN service (they have a plug-in for the browser, an application for the phone). I wrote everything in great detail in my instructions, what is it and how to use it.
I don't know if this thing helps everyone, but for some people it works for sure. That is, not to say that it always works straight, but at least if you do not read a book for hours in the car, then you can forget about motion sickness. From personal experience, it is very convenient for long journeys. Although I myself usually just take a pill, fortunately I do not go along the serpentines every day.
Anti-motion sickness bracelets are worn on the wrist
You can also read the instructions how it works like
P.S. I read a little more reviews, and as I understand it, about 1 out of 10 have no luck, and these bracelets do not work. Although maybe they just put on the wrong place on the arm.