Semi-annual multivisa to Thailand

On November 13, 2015, the double-entry visa to Thailand was canceled (the one-time visa remained). Instead, there is now a six-month multivisa with an unlimited number of exits / entrances for six months. The term of stay for a multiple entry visa is 60 + 30 days per entry. Such a visa is needed for those travelers who need to enter the country several times, or for long winterers, otherwise there is no particular point in doing it, given the haemorrhoids of obtaining it..

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Length of stay on a multiple entry visa

A multivisa is issued for six months (entry corridor) with a stay of 60 days. It can be renewed at the local immigration for 1900 baht, just like a one-time fee. Therefore, every 60 or 90 days, you need to do a border run to activate the next time.

If you calculate everything correctly and enter in the last days of the corridor for entry, then in total it will turn out to stay about 8 months. If you don't know what boarderans / visaranes / stamps are, then read my post - do you need a visa to Thailand and everything about visas / stamps.

Consular fee and where to get

Electronic queue - from February 1, 2018, you can visit the consulate only through electronic registration, there is also an appointment for a specific day / time in the queue. One entry for each passport.

Consular fee - single entry visa $ 40, multivisa $ 200. Accepted ONLY in dollars and in cash. Torn, wrinkled bills, and bills older than 2006 may not be accepted. They say they started to give change, but I'd rather bring it without change.

The processing time is 3 working days, including the days of filing and issuing. But it can take longer if there is something wrong with the documents. Just in case, keep this in mind and make your visa in advance. The entrance corridor opens on the day of submission of visa documents.

Russians can get a multivisa in consulate in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. That is, in Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam, it will not work, they will not give it. A multivisa can be obtained only in the country of citizenship or if you have a residence permit / work visa.

Documents for a multiple entry visa to Thailand

I would gladly try to get this visa in Moscow and get a personal experience, but, unfortunately, I do not have $ 5700 in my account for 6 months. I could show this amount one time, and I could have more, but just in 6 months, no way. I have no problems with the rest of the documents. Perhaps a little later, I will specially put $ 5700 on the account and wait 6 months. Well, in the meantime, my destiny single entry visa.

There are several documents that need to be done, in addition to those needed for a one-shot:

  • Bank statement for 6 months and minimum balance at the end of each month $ 5700. That is, the point is not in the movement of funds on the account (this is optional), but in the fact that you have this amount every month).
  • Help from work or documents for individual entrepreneurs. It is unclear whether to get such a visa for an unemployed person, as with one-time, or a multivisa only for working travelers.
  • Round-trip air tickets for 60 days. Given the tightening in the Moscow consulate, tickets need real.
    as an option, buy tickets, which can then be returned.
  • Hotel reservation for the entire stay. It is not difficult to make it on Booking, the main thing is to choose a canceled booking.
  • They also say that they may be asked to write a motivation letter, why suddenly such a visa is needed.
Documents for a multiple entry visa to Thailand

Documents for a multiple entry visa to Thailand from the consulate website

P.S. As soon as there is a personal experience of obtaining, I will add to the post. In the meantime, I hope that in the comments someone will write.