What to do in Moscow on the weekend - trying active entertainment

Since we now live in Russia, the question arose of what to do in Moscow on the weekend and I decided to try all kinds of active entertainment in Moscow that this city offers. When we returned from Thailand, my friend immediately rushed to me happily telling me about all sorts of coupon sites where you can fly in a hot air balloon, go water skiing or snowboarding with a 30-70% discount. Probably, now everyone knows about it, but then it was news to me. By the way, these sites and coupons have already appeared in many large cities, not only in the capital.

So, I stocked up with different coupons, I will try what interests me one by one. You look another new hobby will appear. Well, and an impression by itself, because everything is for the first time. There are tons of other discounts on these sites, such as spa and massages, car washes, tours to turkey and shopping. But I don't need it all.

The content of the article

What to do in Moscow at the weekend

What to do in Moscow at the weekend

What to do in Moscow at the weekend

The list will be updated as interesting promotions appear, or when it becomes clear that I want to know something else. As the implementation of this or that event I will write about it on the blog. If suddenly there is no coupon, then you will have to try without it. I hope I can manage it in a month, so welcome to the blog :)

Where to get coupons

If suddenly, you have not yet registered on such sites, then here are the links. They are referral, which means that you do not lose anything, and I will get a penny for new coupons. And maybe with your help I can try something else.

Biglion.ru - when registering 100 rubles to your account
Groupon.ru - when registering 300 bonuses to your account

There are other sites, although they are less popular..

Inactive entertainment

In addition to all the activities, we also drove through the estates and parks. I can’t say that it’s very exciting, but nevertheless, it is necessary to walk, and it’s more pleasant to do it every time in a new place. Below is a list of where we have been.

P.S. Do you already know what to do in Moscow on the weekend? Maybe you can advise something from active events? Not necessarily with coupons ... I'm still thinking about a parachute, but it's dumb.