Why do you need bank cards and how to carry money
Friends often ask us a question about how to bring money to this or that country. The answer is as simple as five kopecks - the best option to carry in the currency that is native to the country. However, not all currencies can simply go out and buy at any exchanger. Thus, we carry with us either dollars or euros. And finally, make yourself a bank plastic card!
The content of the article
- one How to carry money
- 2 How much money to carry
- 3 Bank cards
- 4 Plastic cards and cash at the border
How to carry money
This leaves a very small selection:
- If we go to Europe, then the euro.
- If we go to America, then dollars.
- If we go to other countries, but do not want to go specially to the bank for currency, then we bring dollars and euros.
If we talk about Asia and its currencies, then it is quite difficult to buy them in Russia. Therefore, you can not even think too much, and immediately buy dollars and euros. And upon arrival they can be exchanged without any problems.
Rubles should not be taken with you, as a rule, it will be very difficult to exchange them on the spot..
How much money to carry
How much money to take with you depends on your needs, travel budget, and the country you are traveling to. There are no general recommendations, everything is purely individual. If you have already figured out your route, and read about the country where you are going, then you should already have an idea of its standard of living and your future costs. Fortunately, the forums have prices for accommodation, transport, and excursions..
For example. Thailand is a fairly cheap country, the price for a night in a guesthouse starts from 200 baht, a bus from Bangkok to Phuket costs 700 baht. In France, everything will be about 5 times more expensive. I wrote more in the article - How much money to take to Thailand.
And most importantly, you cannot carry money for the entire trip in cash. There is a risk that you may be left without the entire amount at once. That is why the whole world has long switched to plastic cards..
Bank cards
As I already wrote, everyone has long been using Visa, Mastercard and others like them when traveling. Usually not even one, but several. Here is mine a selection of maps for travel and a post about that which card to choose at all. Read necessarily.

Why do we need plastic cards
- Purchase of air tickets and hotel reservations is carried out via the Internet and is paid by credit card
- The amount on the card may be more than required
- When you withdraw cash from the card, you immediately receive the amount in local currency
- Payment by plastic bank card on the spot
- Money on a bank card does not need to be declared
Already at the stage of preparation for the trip, you will need a plastic card for paying for air tickets (I advise you to buy through Aviasales.ru and Skyscanner.ru, we regularly use them ourselves) and for booking hotels. Yes, you can buy them at the agency, but it often turns out that during the trip itself you need to do these steps, and it will be impossible to pay for the purchase in any way other than a bank card.
You will not need to carry large amounts of money with you for the trip and just in case. You just take your regular plastic card.
Conveniently, at any time of the trip, at any bank or ATM, you can immediately get the local currency. In this case, the course will not be the worst. And you will not need to purchase dollars and euros in advance in your home country..
In almost all European stores and cafes, you can immediately pay with a plastic card, avoiding unnecessary actions with currency exchange. In Asian countries, this opportunity is less common, but it is available in almost all shopping centers and large stores..
This also applies to small amounts of cash, usually up to $ 10,000 (different countries have different requirements).
I wrote how to use the cards here: How to use a bank card.
Plastic cards and cash at the border
When entering some countries, border guards may require you to show a plastic card, or a certain amount. This will mean ensuring that you have the means to live on..
Therefore, before traveling, you need to clarify the rules for entering a specific country. And you need to take cash in at least a minimum amount.