Using a bank card is very simple. I even thought whether I should write a post on this topic or not. But as practice has shown, not everyone knows about it, including some of our friends. When a person lives an ordinary life itself, then, in general, a bank card may be useless. Well, only if the salary was not issued at work. Although even without traveling, I do not understand how you can do without a bank card.
The content of the article
- one Foreword
- 2 How to use a bank card at an ATM
- 3 How to use a bank card in a store
- 4 How to use a bank card on the Internet
First of all read my post which bank card to choose, there I tell all the basics: what to choose Visa or Mastercard, debit or credit, talk about what commissions are, and so on. If you already know everything, then here is my selection. specific maps for travel.
How to use a bank card for its intended purpose 🙂
How to use a bank card at an ATM
Everything is very simple here. You yourself will figure it out. We insert the card, enter the PIN-code, and do what we need: withdraw cash, put cash, pay for the Internet or phone, etc..
If you withdraw money from ATMs of your bank, then there is no commission for this operation. If you do this at an ATM of a third-party bank (both in Russia and in other countries), then the commission is usually about 1%.
There are ATMs with and without cash acceptance. Where and which ones are specifically located should be indicated on the website of your bank. Outwardly, they usually also differ in an additional opening for accepting cash. Balance replenishment occurs without commission.
With some banks, you can put money into a card account without a commission only through an ATM, but through a cash desk there is a small percentage. Check with your bank or on its website.
How to use a bank card in a store
Even easier, you simply give your bank card to the merchant, and he spends it in a special device. Sometimes you need to enter a PIN or your signature on the receipt.
It is best not to pay with your card in places that you think are dubious, in order to avoid fraudulent activities. This is especially true for Asian countries. But it is easier to set limits in the Internet bank for certain actions (cash withdrawals, monthly limit, etc.) if your bank provides such a service..
How to use a bank card on the Internet
Your card has payment information: holder's name, card number, expiration date, and 3-4 digit CVV / CVC code on the back.
It is these data that must be entered on the website after you have chosen the desired air ticket (I recommend buying through and or a hotel. But it doesn't end there. If the data is entered correctly, the system will ask you to enter a one-time password. Such passwords can be obtained either in advance at an ATM, or in advance at your bank (scratch cards), or such a password will come to you in the form of an SMS when you try to pay for something on the Internet..
How one-time passwords are issued should be found out from the bank. It is advisable to find out this before booking air tickets or hotels. For example, in Alfabank, passwords will come in the form of SMS. Sberbank uses two methods: issuance through an ATM and in the form of SMS. In Vanguard, you need to go to the bank for a scratch card.
Please note that if you are planning to use a bank card while traveling, booking flights and hotels, then you definitely need the opportunity to receive one-time passwords via SMS.