We went to Chiang Saen just like that, although it was possible to combine it with a run visa. True, it cannot be done in Chiang Saen itself - there are no border guards, but there is Chiang Khong nearby, where just such rituals are performed. But since at that time we had Thai visa made in Malaysia, then our goal was just a walk, and.
At the end of the article, a small positive video about the whole trip to Chiang Saen.
Golden Triangle
There was a bike rental next to our hostel. Without hesitation, we stayed for one more day in this calm city, in order to take a bike ride and go to the Golden Triangle.
Just 7 km from Chiang Saen city along the Mekong River and the goal is achieved. What a thrill to ride a bike! Haven't traveled since last summer. Yes, and in the summer, quite a bit - then to Turkey left, then went on hikes.
Road from Chiang Saen to Golden Triangle
Fields near Chiang Saen
On the road from Chiang Saen to Golden Triangle
On the road from Chiang Saen to Golden Triangle
On the road from Chiang Saen to Golden Triangle
On the road from Chiang Saen to Golden Triangle
Bananas all around
You can get to Golden triangle and by minibus
Thailand - the land of smiles
At the viewpoint, we were first met by a relatively large seated Buddha, as well as elephants in different designs (here they are not as evil as in Chiang Saen). There is also a fat deity there, apparently associated with wealth, and to whom you can drop a coin right into the stomach. But not in the usual way, but by rolling it down a long chute, or by throwing it like a basketball into a suspended basket. Indeed, it is much more efficient than a regular donation box. There are more than enough people who want to leave the coins, or run them down the chute, and we were no exception.
Golden Triangle - Viewpoint
Laos across the Mekong river
Burma across the Mekong river
Golden Triangle - Viewpoint
Golden triangle - viewpoint
Bunch of Buddhas next to the viewpoint
Golden Triangle
Golden Triangle
Golden Triangle
Golden Triangle
Tour guide on Golden Triangle
Golden Triangle
In order to better see the three countries at the same time, we climbed the hill, on top of which there were a couple of Buddhist temples, which can be without them. Strange, but what I like the most about the feel of the old dilapidated cotton wool, and not these brand new and sparkling. There is something in these modern temples, not real or something, even though they are beautiful.
Stairs to the viewpoint and Buddhist temples
Buddhist temple on the hill
Wooden carved doors at the entrance to the temple
Buddhist temple - women are not allowed to enter this room
Buddhist temple - women are not allowed to enter this room
Monks drying clothes
Visually, Laos and Burma are not very different from Thailand, the nature is the same. Only the standard of living is different, but to see it, you need to visit these countries. There are a lot of people in Golden Triangle in national costumes, why I don't know, and half of the merchants, as it seemed to me, are from Laos and Burma, this is noticeable by their clammy and sour mug when you looked at the thing, but did not buy anything.
Chiang Saen Lake
7 km from the city of Chiang Saen, but in the other direction, there is Chiang Saen Lake, in which we thought to swim. However, apart from observing the beautiful nature and the sunset, there is nothing to do there. All approaches to the lake are covered with green plants, and the purity of the water does not make you want to swim. But what silence! There is a couple of Resort on the shore where you can stop if the price suits, and do yoga and meditation all day.
Chiang Saen Lake
Chiang Saen Lake
Cycling to Chaing saen lake
Ordinary grass here is taller than human growth
Ancient Wat on the way to Chaing Saen Lake
In the vicinity of Chiang Saen
Transportation in Chiang Saen
Who has such a red Mercedes convertible?
Upset only one thing - garbage on the shore. Well, why shit under your feet? When people start thinking further than, «devoured, the rest is not my problem»?
Garbage on the shores of Chiang Saen Lake
In Chiang Saen, housing is not crowded. If you are planning to look into these places, it is better to look in advance for hotels in Chiang Saen, for example, on RoomGuru and book. By the way, this is the best service where you can compare prices in all existing booking systems at once. We stayed at Tankun Hostel, I talked about it in article about the city of Chiang Saen, but it seems like this guesthouse is gone.
We spent 2 days in Chiang Saen, and we liked it so much that we didn't want to leave. But ahead of us was waiting Wat rong khun (White Temple) near Chiang Rai city and hitchhiking to Chiang Mai, so we immediately hit the road on a colorful local bus with a Mercedes emblem.