Google Adsense - withdrawal of funds to a foreign currency account for individual entrepreneurs and individuals!
I already wrote about, how to withdraw Adsense to an individual entrepreneur and the legality of this method. Then there was a speech about the withdrawal of earnings through Rapida in rubles. But since the summer of 2014, it became possible to withdraw in foreign currency to a foreign currency bank account. This is good news for both individuals and sole proprietors, especially considering that the ruble exchange rate has changed greatly, from which ruble income generally loses its entire meaning. I'll tell everyone about this today..
I remind you that I have a detailed blog post here. instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur step by step. Although, you know, with such a situation in the country, I want to close all the nafig, and either go into the shadows, or open accounts in another country.
The content of the article
- one How to withdraw an individual
- 2 How to withdraw an individual entrepreneur to a foreign currency account
How to withdraw an individual
Everything is really simple here, you just need to go to the section «Payment settings» into Google Adsense and click «Add a new payment method». Then choose «Bank account» and on the page that opens, enter the bank details of your individual dollar account.
Some Russian banks work only through intermediaries abroad (beneficiary), but as long as I did not receive foreign currency payments, for example, in Alfa-Bank, then my bank details were always enough for me. Therefore, although Adsense contains fields for specifying the intermediary bank, I did not specify them. If you are worried about this moment, then check with your bank how best to do it. But it is strange that Adsense does not ask the bank's SWIFT intermediary ...
Requisites in Adsense for individuals
It should be understood that if your transfers are regular and large, then sooner or later the Russian bank may become interested in the origin of the funds. Here we are talking about currency control, and whether it’s income. How soon this will happen and whether it will happen at all, I do not know. But I know that, for example, Alfa-Bank was not particularly interested in it before. Alternatively, change the linking of your account to Russia and receive money to a foreign bank account of another country. This can be either a real account opened locally in the Bank (for example, in Thailand), or some sub-account like Epayments.
How to withdraw an individual entrepreneur to a foreign currency account
In the case of IP, there are many more steps, but if you figure it out once, then everything is also not too difficult, but a little longer in time.
Expenses for foreign exchange transactions for individual entrepreneurs
Naturally, you must have previously opened a dollar account for your individual entrepreneur. Transit is opened by the bank automatically. It is to the transit account that the payment comes in and it is the details of the transit account that will need to be indicated everywhere. Let me remind you that I use the My Delo accounting service, which offers discounts for its users when opening current accounts in a number of banks. Here is my service review, really saves me time.
In addition to the costs of maintaining accounts, there is also a currency control commission, and every bank has one. As a rule, this is some fixed amount (300-500 rubles) or a percentage of your amount. If I received in rubles through Rapida (there is a conversion at the Central Bank rate into rubles) and then transferred rubles in exchange (or Internet bank) back to dollars, then similar losses would be obtained due to conversion. Check out my review of bank rates, including for foreign exchange transactions.
Comparison of bank tariffs for business>
If the total amount of income has reached $ 50,000 under one agreement (and you have one offer agreement with Google), you need to draw up a transaction passport (it costs from 0 rubles to 5000 rubles). It is easy to calculate that if the income is, say, $ 1000 per month, then such a need will arise only after 50 months or 4 years. Quite a long time not to think about it now, given that many have an income of $ 100-300 in total.
After the currency is received on the current account, something needs to be done with it. I usually withdraw to my own account of an individual in another bank. At best, banks charge a commission of about 20-30 ye, at worst, a percentage of the transfer amount. With a fixed amount, it is better to accumulate a larger amount on the account and, for example, only transfer once a year. Then these 30 ye will not be noticeable.
Documents for Adsense withdrawal in currency
Before making my first withdrawal from Adsense to the foreign exchange account, I called the foreign exchange control several times, sent them documents before they said that everything was in order. It is better to do all this in advance so that there will be no surprises later. So what did I need:
- Offer agreement from Google Adsense. The bank said that they needed the text of the agreement, with a link from where I printed it, signed by me (signature, full name, date) and scanned. It's not entirely trivial to do this. I had to use editors, since you can't print the offer directly from the browser, there is a scrolling text. So I copied all the text into Word, pasted in the Adsense picture and the link where the offer is available (that's what happened). Then he signed it, scanned it and sent it to the bank. An important point, the offer must be signed strictly with the number from which your payments will be. That is, if you want to receive payment for the month of October (it comes at the end of November), then the contract must be signed no later than October 1st.
- Screenshot from the page «payment history». This is the page where you indicate the payment method and your income for this month..
- Screenshot of the payment receipt. The link to the receipt is available on the page «payment history» in the transaction list.
Google Adsense payment history
Receipt from Google Adsense
A natural question arises, because there were revenues from Adsense before, should they be taken into account? I solved this issue in the following way - since I had received it in rubles before and there was no talk about currency at all, then the currency counting starts from zero. How you do it, decide for yourself, but it seems to me that in the case of Rapida, we are not talking about bucks at all. And when I asked my bank about it, they told me the same thing.
Requisites in Google Adsense
In the same way, go to the section «Payment settings» in Google Adsense and click «Add a new payment method». Then we choose «Bank account» and on the page that opens, enter the bank details of our TRANSIT dollar account of the individual entrepreneur. I emphasize that it is necessary to indicate the transit account. Also in the field «Account owner name» you need to indicate not just your full name, but in English Individual Entrepreneur or Individualnyj Predprirnimatel together with your full name also in English.
Requisites in Adsense for individual entrepreneurs
Actions in the Internet bank upon receipt of payment
Approximately 1-2 days after Google Adsense sends the money, it goes to your IP transit account. The amount may come a little less (your bank's commission) than Google sent you. I've had it in all the banks.
From a transit account within a certain number of days (usually 10-15) you need to transfer them to a regular foreign exchange account of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need to send the documents I listed above. This is done within the Internet bank by means of a message or through a special form. The offer agreement can be sent only the first time, then it is not necessary, it does not change.
In addition to the documents, you need to issue a certificate of a currency transaction and a payment order for transferring from a transit account to a regular one. There are a lot of fields, and it will differ depending on the bank, so there is no point in spreading it here. You will have to find out all this from your bank. I will only say a couple of points, so as not to forget myself:
Country code of the bank of the sender of the transfer: 372 (this is the code of Ireland, from where Google)
VO code: 20200 (currency transaction code for information on currency transactions)
VO code: 61130 (currency transaction code for transferring from an individual entrepreneur to his own account of an individual)
Currency code: 840 (US dollar)
Details of currency transactions or contract number (it may be differently):
- {F13 = BN / 09/01/2014}, where BN means without a number (an offer agreement with Google, it goes without a number) and the date you signed an offer agreement.
- RU0006L1JA / 24.02.2015, where a set of numbers and letters is the number of your receipt from Adsense's office, and the date is the date of payment.
But it also happens that everything is much simpler and the documents are prepared by the bank itself, you only need to sign them in your Internet bank.
Account at Tinkoff + 2 months as a gift>
How to enter a currency payment in KUDIR
You need to record the payment on the date when it was received on the transit account. We enter in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank on the day of receipt on the transit account. The rest of the fields are filled in like this:
- Admission type - «Provision of services».
- Payment Description -«Income from the provision of services GOOGLE IRELAND LIMITED 30 HERBERT STREET DUBLIN 2 IRELAND in the amount of 33 575.53 rubles (526.78 USD). NDS is not appearing»
But keep in mind that if you do not withdraw currency later to the account of an individual, but convert it into rubles to the account of your own individual entrepreneur, then a positive exchange rate difference may occur (conversion at a rate higher than the Central Bank rate). In this case, this is also income and must be taken into account in the KUDIR. I always withdraw according to this scheme Transit account of individual entrepreneur => Currency account of individual entrepreneur => Currency account of an individual, and an individual can already do anything with these bucks.
P.S. If you have any questions, ask. I receive payments from Booking, Adsense, Hotelcombined, etc..