In the new year, some lyrical mood found and memories flooded. Until now, my first acquaintance with the mountains and my first hiking trip, if, of course, it can be called such, is still vivid in my memory. Rather, it was more like a walk. I have long wanted to write about this, but it was not leisure. By chance, we wandered in the composition of three people (me, my friend and our girlfriend) to Mount Semiglavaya (1500 m), being without equipment and food, but in rubber slippers 🙂
A little background - in 2005, my friend and I lived in all summer in a tent on the river Janet that in the village of Vozrozhdenie. Then this place was completely different, now I would hardly have been able to live there for a long time, but this is a separate story. So, we wanted adventure, not all the same to sit in one place. And we drove aimlessly, leaving all our belongings with the tent in the Renaissance, taking with us only foam, sleeping bags and a couple of warm clothes (summer, what else is needed).
For the quality of the photo, I apologize, then we were not aware of DSLRs, and a film soap dish with 36 frames was like the top of progress.
The content of the article
First day
We went out on the road to catch the car. The direction of the trip, outlined only on the way - in the direction of Adygea. By the middle of the day, a hitchhiker took us to the village of Anastasievka, where the dolmens were supposed to be located. Stumbling into an apple orchard, we put on a kilogram of 5 sour apples, not yet knowing that the next days we would be doomed to an apple diet. After all, initially, we just wanted to look at the dolmens, then we will stock up on food in the store and go further towards Adygea. But then we met a group of children hikers with an instructor who, instead of telling us about the location of the dolmens, told us about the close location of Mount Semiglavaya, where our «mobile group» can be reached in just half a day. Only later did we realize that he overestimated our «mobility».
Lech demonstrates that he can not only carry a backpack, but also me
They didn't know about the three days' journey yet
What the hell are dolmens when you can conquer an entire peak here! - we thought and, stomping on the dirt road with rubber slippers, went upstairs. Then Mount Semiglavaya seemed to us akin to Everest, because in the stone jungles of Moscow, except for escalators in the metro, there is nothing else to conquer. When it got dark, they decided to spend the night with the lumberjacks, whose village was on the way, since I did not want to spend the night without a tent. We were accepted, treated to a compote with black bread, since we refused some kind of dish with stew (we were already vegetarian), and even a bed was offered, but the atmosphere inside the house was such that the tourist foam was dearer to us. Then for the first time I believed in people who can help, having almost nothing themselves.
Second day
There is no limit to joy
Hikers - in flip flops and with a bag of apples
To the music, I eat my last cookie
Only by the middle of the next day, we went to the alpine meadows to the coveted peak, from where a stunning view would open up, if not for the clouds. However, even what we saw struck the eyes of unprepared Muscovites. We have never seen such mountain landscapes before. By the way, our «mobile group» I constantly lost the path and waited for a group of children for another clue. Also, picking up and eating blackberries, raspberries, cherry plums and other edibles that come across along the way slowed down our speed. So to the very top, we came with a tourist group, no less tired, but satisfied.
It's cold at an altitude of 1500 meters
All in the clouds
Occasionally, through the gaps, you can see what is below.
All around is covered with clouds
Stones-rocks stick out everywhere
Instead of just going back, we were once again led by the guide's assurances that it would be easier and faster to go down to another village (Bolshoye Pseushko), and went on with the children along the ridge. That is why he didn’t tell us that it would be cold to spend the night at an altitude, and that in total it would be more to go? He probably saw more potential in us and did not know at all that we were brought here by accident and without equipment, although our beachwear and one small backpack said otherwise..
We go along the ridge to the mountain shelter for the night
The third day
In the morning, unable to withstand hunger and a little embarrassed, we begged the instructor for half a brick of black bread, which disappeared in an instant, dissolving in our mouth, and leaving memories of the most delicious bread on the planet. Apples, by that time, we just hated, and there are a couple of them left.
We walk along the ridge and look for a path down
Dolmen, buried in the ground and sliding into the cliff
Only at the end of the third day, we went to the long-awaited Big Pseushko. This day was full of events: conversations about the meaning of life and our trip, meeting with a snake that we almost stepped on, testing mushrooms for taste and edibility, swimming in an icy river, groans and gasps about the majestic beeches piercing the sky and planting clouds on their peaks. In Bolshoy Pseushko, we first rushed to the store, but, as befits in normal villages, it was already closed. Then we turned to the locals for milk and they gave it to us, refusing to take money. Then I believed in people for the second time. And then by bus to Tuapse, overnight on the beach, the Sochi arboretum ...
Instead of Adygea, we went to Sochi to the arboretum
So, with minimal equipment and without food, we went to Mount Semiglavaya and visited an altitude of 1500 meters. Now all this is remembered with a laugh about our unpreparedness, but it brings up the idea that there would be a desire, there would be an opportunity. And now such a list of things / things to do for a trip sometimes arises that you are amazed 🙂