Finstrip - an informational travel blog can bring you 150 thousand rubles!
A bit late, but I'm posting the finstrip for the fall and early winter of 2013. Why these months and not the current ones? Because it is at this time that I have a surge in earnings. You've probably already noticed that all my finstrips are traditionally published during this period. Yes, there are still summer finstrips, but they are, on the contrary, «disastrous». Somewhere from February, earnings begin to fall, reaching its minimum in April-May and holding that way somewhere until August. Earlier, there was a rise in earnings in the middle of summer, but summer traffic has become small, because I write little on this topic. Thus, the next finistrip with a minimum wage will be published on the blog towards the end of the summer..
UPDATE. Ticket earnings dropped (details here), but we still have other affiliate programs working more or less well.
Finstrip Summer 2013
Finstrip Fall 2012
Finstrip for autumn 2011
Earnings on a blog can be 150 thousand rubles!
The content of the article
October 133.840 rub
Attendance 4600 people / day
Profit-partner: 8110 rub
Google Adsense: RUB 31803
Travelpayouts (Aviasales): 76 653 rub
Liberty insurance: 11470 rub
Consultation: 5800 rub
November 158.830 RUB
Attendance 4795 people / day
Profit-partner: 8194 rub
Google Adsense: RUB 29391
Travelpayouts (Aviasales): 89 966 rub
Liberty insurance: 26380 rubles
Consultation: 4900 rub
December 141.300 rub
Attendance 4049 people / day
Profit-partner: 5491 rub
Google Adsense: 25 250 RUB
Travelpayouts (Aviasales): 57 245 rub RUB 6100 (paid for six months)
Liberty insurance: 18 320 rubles
Consultation: 5900 rub
Our hosting 23000 rubles (payment for the last 2 years)
How so?!
You ask me how it happened, where does such a serious surge in earnings come from? And I'll answer, I don't know :) Believe it or not. Yes, the attendance has increased, but not so much. By the way, the average for the month is indicated here, but in reality it rose to 7-8 thousand per day. Most likely, systematic activity in one direction bears fruit, even if I do not apply seo and a business approach (all sorts of sales). I don’t have any adverts for any bullshit like weight loss diets or e-cigarettes, there are no these horrible popunders and a lot of flashing banners, I don’t sniff or sell anything to anyone. But there is Aviasales (with their Travelpayouts affiliate), which I always use myself, Liberty Insurance, which I arrange for myself and my family on trips, contextual advertising, to which I am personally accustomed and it does not annoy me either on our website or on others.
So far, my conclusion is that I have been developing the Thai topic for quite a long time, writing a lot of articles and after a while came to the top for these queries. That is, as I wrote above, I have been going in the same direction all these years. Of course, it's a little easier for me, I started back when the competition in Thailand was not so high. On the other hand, the spring-summer period is not at all profitable for me, and in an amicable way I need to master some other country, where they are going at this time..
And also, you can consider this a superstition or something else, but perhaps this is due to the fact that I registered individual entrepreneur and started paying taxes. Whatever our country is, I am now clean in front of it, and the Universe decided to give me such a gift.
Message to different categories of people
To everyone who can be happy for us, thank you! After all, this is happening thanks to you too, thanks to your support. Special thanks to those who understand why this blog is being kept in general and what is the use of it. After all, not directly for the sake of money, and initially there was no earnings at all, they started from complete zero and even a minus. And it turned out what happened. In my opinion (let it not be too modest), a well-deserved reward came after hard work, and now for some time our family can breathe a little and make our life at least a little more comfortable (as far as possible with Yegor), having lived in Thailand in good house, with a rented car :)
To those who fail
Guys, everything is real! You may not be able to do it now, as I do, but there are no ready-made solutions for everything in the world. I have repeatedly written that my activity is not very effective, such earnings can be achieved much faster if you apply the laws of business and analytics. It's just that my path is creative and time-consuming, but most importantly, I like what I do. In general, I want to say that try further, do not be afraid to take risks, and do not give up! But most importantly, do not forget to include your head and intuition, because it is not always possible to just repeat after someone. Well, keep in mind that for the first two years I was sitting at the computer for 15 hours a day, and even now I often disappear so that my family does not see me all day. And yes, blogging is not for everyone, there is no freebie.
An important point. Our blog is not quite a classic travel blog, but rather an informational content project interspersed with personal themes. As you know, these are different formats and different monetization. Read my posts:
Don't start a travel blog
Affiliate programs not for travel blogs
To the envious
I thought for a long time whether to post this post or not, because for sure there will be envious or ill-wishers, but in relation to regular readers it would be dishonest to keep silent. So to all envious people who accidentally wandered here, I want to say that a disabled child with all the consequences (a terrible dream, a lot of nerves, expensive expenses, visits to doctors, etc.) is a bonus for such earnings. So, envying us, you risk getting not only the pluses of our life, but also the minuses. And I am also sure that if it were not for my special son, then nothing would have happened, perhaps I would have spat on everything for a long time. Well, and you can rejoice a little, because this income is not constant and has now dropped to summer 2013 level. Will it grow by next fall, I don't know.
P.S. Finstrip was not written to boast, just by tradition I post it 1-2 times a year. There is really nothing to boast about, with the workload that I have now, it does not differ much from normal work. Well, and everything is not stable.