$ 32 Airbnb Coupon for First Booking + 4 Ways to Save

Not everyone knows, so the post is how you can and should do. The discount coupon for the first booking can be used several times, the main thing is to do everything right. And there are 2 more points that you always need to pay attention to and check. Sometimes there is a very noticeable price reduction.

The content of the article

First booking coupon

Sign up here and get $ 32 off Airbnb on apartments worldwide. Valid for the first booking, the booking must be from $ 70. And you can also get other discounts later on subsequent bookings, but not at the expense of coupons.

Get $ 32 Discount>

Unfortunately, the coupon is only valid for the first booking. It can be used only once for one account. But! You can create accounts for your wife, mom, dad, grandmother, etc. And even for yourself you can, if you have a driver's license with a full name in English or a second foreign. With each new foreign country, you can create a new account.

The only thing is that each time you need to specify a different phone number and a different bank card (how to register) If everyone usually has several cards, then in order not to fool with new SIM cards, we use the numbers of relatives and then turn off notifications by mobile so that they do not receive SMS about reservations. All notifications can be received in the mobile application and without SMS.

Book for a week or a month

Airbnb allows hosts to offer discounts on weekly and monthly stays. As a rule, when booking apartments for a week or more, a 5-15% discount is given. When booking for a month, it can reach 50-70%, although, of course, this is a rarity. Some owners don’t give anything at all, but today’s not about them..

Therefore, you should always play with dates. It may turn out that living for 7 days will be cheaper than 5. Or (more often) living for a month is cheaper than 3 weeks. By the way, keep in mind that for some, the monthly discount starts somewhere from 27-29 days, and not from 30-31. The screenshots below clearly show the difference in price..

For 27 nights it costs 102 thousand rubles, a weekly discount is involved

For 27 nights it costs 102 thousand rubles, a weekly discount is involved

For 28 nights it costs 85 thousand rubles, a monthly discount is involved

For 28 nights it costs 85 thousand rubles, a monthly discount is involved

The difference is 17 thousand rubles! Yes, even if I didn't give up 28 days, it's better to take more for a day, but at a lower price.

Apartment without cleaning

The third possibility to influence the price concerns only short-term bookings, for several days. Some apartment owners add a fixed cleaning fee. Although the tourist never does cleaning when leaving, whether there is this option or not. So, if you book accommodation for 1-3 days, then this option with a fixed price can greatly change the overall price not for the better..

Whenever possible, I try to search without cleaning.

Cleaning fee as much as 2500 rubles

Payment for booking without conversion

I also have a post about that, how to pay for Airbnb without conversion. Not really a life hack, rather a reminder to be attentive.

The fact is that you can choose a currency in the service to make it more convenient. When looking for apartments in Spain, it is sometimes convenient to ask the price in euros; when looking for an apartment in Thailand, you can put baht. But it is imperative to switch back to RUBLES before paying, so that it is rubles that are debited from your ruble card.

Otherwise, you will get to the currency conversion by your bank! You will be charged, for example, with euros, which will be converted back into rubles through the dollar. The final amount will not be the same.

Booking an apartment bypassing Airbnb

Not a very good and honest way, but I can't help but write about it.

Initially, I always choose to book through the service, even if the owner offers to act directly, so that later in case of problems, I will return the money. And only later, after living in the apartment and realizing that I like everything, I can negotiate with the owner directly. Usually we are talking about long terms, from a month.

Airbnb takes a commission on every booking. It is small when booking for several days, but already noticeable when booking for a month or more. In fact, many services have a commission, for example Booking.com, you just don't see it. You have to make money on something, pay salaries and maintain sites / servers.

Initially, all contacts (yours and the owner's) are hidden. And even if you write them in a personal message, the system will recognize this and hide them, after which the interlocutor will see only lines in the messages «phone number hidden» or «email hidden», but there are ways.

  • You can write your phone in messages with 3 digits in each message. That is, 3 digits sent a message, 3 digits sent a message, and so on. Working. You can also write with the replacement of zero by the letter O, and some numbers in letters. Further, the correspondence goes to Whatsapp.
  • The owners who rent an apartment bypassing the service usually know themselves how to write their phone number so that you can see it. For example, they post a photo with a phone number in the apartment description.

Perhaps in the future Airbnb will fix these methods, but for now you can use it if you need a direct connection..