End of the intrigue - why we moved to Israel
Haven't written on the blog for a long time, more than a month has passed since the last post. And in fact, so much has happened during this time, global changes! However, I have a serious reason for absence, which I will now tell you about. I think by the title you have already guessed what will be discussed. And this very reason also fully explains why I went to Thailand alone for work, and why this year there was no ordinary family wintering. So to say, the end of the intrigue, I reveal all the cards :)
The content of the article
- one Moved to Israel
- 2 Preparing for the move
- 3 Reasons to travel to Tai (full version)
- 4 Reasons for moving to Israel
- five Why Haifa
- 6 Future plans
Moved to Israel
So, friends, for those who do not follow us on social networks, I inform you that we have changed the country of residence. We didn't just go somewhere to travel, but changed the country, received a second citizenship and left for good. Instead of Moscow, we now live in Haifa (Israel). They did not expect? Perhaps for some it all will be a complete surprise, but I had a plan and we strictly followed it. Yes, it was flexible, and the departure was periodically postponed, but we had been preparing for this move for quite a long time, we just didn’t tell anyone about it, including on the blog. Not so much out of superstition, but because it is better to tell in fact about something perfect than to talk about your plans, dreams.
So, despite the seeming throwing from the outside, everything was according to the plan, which was corrected along the way. Yegor's disease did not stand still either, and presented new surprises. While I was thinking about moving to one country, we found out the exact diagnosis and everything changed dramatically. Then I thought about another, and we learned about other features of the course of the disease.
To be honest, we ourselves still do not believe that we have moved. It somehow looks more like a trip, especially since we still live in an apartment for rent, practically, like tourists. But I think that after a while it will finally reach us. In any case, we regard our trip as an exploration. That is, presumably we left for a year to see if we would like to stay further, whether we will be able to settle down here and integrate into local life. It's never too late to return to Moscow, we did not burn bridges and did not renounce Russian citizenship (this is not necessary).
Apartment for rent, where we live now
Stunning view from the window from the 10th floor
It's so great, go out in the morning and have a coffee together
Preparing for the move
Preparation for Israel was also slow and took 1.5 years. We were not given a visa for permanent residence for a long time, we visited the consul 5 times and each time we were asked to bring more documents. Moreover, the human factor also played a role, one of the consuls sent almost without looking for the penultimate time, requesting a couple more certificates, although in a previous visit another consul said that you would bring such and such a piece of paper and we will definitely put a visa for permanent residence. And even then, I remember, we almost packed our suitcases. Many thanks to Boris Vitalievich (Daria's dad) for helping us in collecting documents and making inquiries to the archives (after all, the Jewish roots are through Daria's line). As a result, we were given a visa only at the end of 2016.
I returned from Thailand in mid-February 2017, and we had only a month (initially they wanted to lay 2 weeks in general) to finally prepare for the move and pack our bags for the tenth time. Things were over the roof, they barely had time to do everything, buy something, sell something, collect things, so it was not at all up to work and blogging. In addition, the head did not think at all in the direction of work, all thoughts were about training camps. As now, all thoughts are about finding an apartment, filling out all the documents, buying a car and settling down a little. This is me for the excuse that I did not write anything.
By the way, there were 8 suitcases for three. On the one hand, a lot, on the other, I wanted to take more so that I wouldn't buy many things here later. If I had my way, I would also grab some of the furniture. Nowadays there is not enough travel crib for Yegor (so foldable). But the free norm for each person is 2 suitcases (23 kg in each), a total of 6 suitcases for three, and for 2 suitcases I had to pay $ 100 extra. It's funny, after the last 8th, I ran 10 minutes before the taxi arrived, when we realized that we needed another 5 kg somewhere to put, and in the end we loaded all 25, taking also a vacuum cleaner :)
One of the attempts to collect and see if we fit in or not
Finally, 8 pieces came out, although a couple more would be needed, so that for sure
The flight was free, but arrived very uncomfortable at night
Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, we immediately received citizenship
Reasons to travel to Tai (full version)
And I will quickly explain about my business trip to Tai. If I had not gone to Tai now, then I certainly would not have been able to go until next winter (it is undesirable to leave Israel for now). The last wintering 2015-2016 also passed without collecting information due to Yegor's illness. In total, 2 years is too long in our fast-changing world, the information in the guidebook would lose its relevance, and the unpublished content on Ty ended up long ago. Let me remind you that my main specialization is Thailand travel guide, which I have been doing for 6 years already. As I already wrote here, my principle is better detailed and relevant information about one country than just fluently about several. Of course, it would be possible to rewrite from other sites, but I still prefer to make an author's guide and see everything with my own eyes.
A few months ago I wrote about the reasons for my trip to Tai in a post Leaving for a trip - 5 resorts in Thailand, a short version, so to speak. And despite the fact that I seemed to have explained everything (by and large, what difference does it make what my reasons for the trip), a couple of people began to assume that I left my family and quote «got women». I just wanted to answer that I got more men and a couple of ladyboys for a change, why waste time on trifles :)
Just recently there was a discussion in my post on Instagram that it is actually very difficult to draw conclusions when looking at pictures on the Internet, because most of the story is hidden. It seems to be an obvious fact, but nevertheless, for some reason, some people forget to make an amendment to the fact that the history on the network (blog, instablog, even a YouTube channel) is only a small part, and a lot remains behind the scenes. Moreover, often not even on purpose, but just like that. Well, as for the fact that the blogger's work is perceived as a vacation, I generally keep quiet :) As one familiar blogger recently said - «The most common myth about bloggers can be illustrated with the phrase of readers: Have a good rest!»
Reasons for moving to Israel
Many people ask why exactly Israel. I'll try to explain.
The main reason for the move is Egor. We hope to get here a normal attitude towards children and towards children with disabilities in particular. For example, so that we, like lepers, do not leave the playground. Well, in general, I don't want any kind of increased attention on the street, when a rather large boy (outwardly normal) for some reason rides in a wheelchair and hoots loudly. Our first impression of Israel as a very kids friendly country.
We also hope that here it will be possible to send Yegor to a special school, where he will have socialization. With this moment there is a difficulty, since it is customary to bring your sick children to school here. But this needs to be checked in practice, whether it really is and how it looks in a special school, where there is a nurse, doctor, etc. Unfortunately, there are no such special schools in Moscow with a bunch of staff for a small number of children, which takes into account all the child's disorders (hearing, vision, physical activity). With special schools, in general, everything is not very good in Russia, there are few of them, they are financed so-so, teachers are tortured and they are not enough, and usually such special schools are sharpened for one violation. For example, Yegor can't get into a school for the hearing impaired, nothing is adapted for him..
And after we visited the intensive care unit in Moscow and the intensive care unit in Bangkok, I wanted to become rich and not go to the Russian intensive care unit again (intensive care in Thailand is terribly expensive). And it's not even about the equipment. I am firmly convinced that a parent has every right to stay with a child in intensive care around the clock. And it is not discussed. And I don't care what the chief doctors of Russian hospitals think about it. Hello Morozovskaya! Thank God, the process does not stand still and there is progress in this direction (there are adequate doctors, there are activists), but I personally do not want to wait until all this is fully implemented, since Yegor can get into intensive care at any time. And I would not want to spend a kilojoule of my energy in such a situation on overcoming bureaucratic obstacles or straining connections in order to get into the intensive care unit, once was enough for me. In Israel, they are allowed to enter intensive care without any problems..
Here it is - a happy reason for the move :)
Actually, these are the underlying reasons. There are others, less significant, such as a warmer climate. I do not exclude that everything that I learned on the forums of special children from parents who moved with their children to Israel, and from whose words I drew my conclusions, will be strikingly different from what I will see myself. Believe me, I have not been building illusions for a long time and not looking for an ideal country, people are people everywhere, and there are enough problems in each country..
In Israel, shells periodically fall, a peculiar climate, living here is 2 times more expensive than in Moscow, with high prices, a very old housing stock, icy tiled floors, 100% tax on import of cars. There are many disadvantages, I know. I can write you a whole list about Thailand and about Russia, the point is not that. It is important to get the balance of pros and cons that is right for you. If Yegor will be better here in his short life, then I am ready. And if our expectations are not met, then it is never too late to return to Russia, leave for Thailand, or come up with something else. The main thing is not to stand still and try to change the surrounding conditions for yourself.
Why Haifa
Haifa is located in the north of the country and it is noticeably cooler there, this is very important in summer, since the summer is hot here. It will be colder in winter, but it may well be that we will go somewhere for the coldest month. But in general, in terms of a cold winter, the problem is not in the temperature outside, but in houses without normal insulation and central heating. That is, you can heat it, but there will be decent electricity bills. Actually, that's why we are looking for an apartment in a new house, and so far we have not found it, there are few offers.
Also, in Haifa, housing is cheaper than in Tel Aviv. And what we need is a large city, where there will be a choice of special kindergartens, special schools, hospitals, doctors, and so on. And in Haifa, you can live 10 minutes walk from the sea. In Tel Aviv it is also possible, but the cost of such an apartment would be much more expensive. Tel Aviv is generally more expensive city.
We are frightened by the ecology of Haifa. I know about this, but it seems to me that here it is not worse than in Moscow, and maybe even better due to the proximity of the sea, fewer cars and factories. But it may well be that we will live here for a year, and then we will go to a suburb of Tel Aviv or some kind of Netanya.
Haifa city center and views of the Bahai Gardens
Future plans
And briefly about our plans. They are not here :)
Just kidding, they really don't exist. What to build if we just arrived. Most likely, Daria will go to the ulpan to learn Hebrew, I will not go, because I have to work and finally get down to processing information about Thailand. In half a year we are thinking of going to Moscow for hearing rehabilitation in a private center (so far this is the best that we have seen), maybe during this period I drive to Sochi or some Montenegro. Next winter-spring, I do not exclude that I will go (go) to Tai for a few months.
They also asked me if I would make a travel guide to Israel. More likely yes than no, but not earlier than six months later I will start to get out somewhere. But I will definitely not describe all the processes for future emigrants (repatriates). Only stories about our life are here, about how expectations are met.
P.S. If you have any questions, ask.
P.P.S. I changed the email newsletter service, it was a whole epic. But I hope it will work correctly, if anything is necessary, write to me.