March 1, 2013 - exactly 3 years without work and without rest
Hello! I rarely write posts on various summarizing dates, for example, about the fact that the blog is six months old and we now have such indicators, or this month I began to earn a couple of thousand more, and so on. I know some bloggers do it regularly, but I'm really too lazy to do it, although from such posts one could observe the dynamics of one direction or another. But the date of March 1st, although it is not round at all, I decided not to bypass this year, after all 3 years outside the office. By the way, if it goes at such a pace and I publish a couple of posts a year on the topic of some date, then in 10 years I will be able to cover all spheres of our life..
The post was supposed to come out earlier, but due to recent events, I was able to finish it only now. So, for starters, links to various posts dedicated to certain results related to the blog and our life. Perhaps it will be interesting for someone to trace certain aspects..
The travel blog is six months old. Outcomes
We are just. And like downshifting
Independently to Turkey - 1500 kilometers and photos. Route
Independent Travel in Europe - Itinerary
How we prepared for the first winter in Thailand
Travel blog - we are already a year old
Impressions of Moscow after a winter in Thailand
Finstrip and interim results of one and a half years
Best travel affiliate program and finstrip in recent months
We are participating in the first stage of the project «Russia in 365 days»
1 + 1 = 3 or there is more Lazhechnikov in the world
Moscow, the world of the deaf, a journey to a new life and a question for readers
Sights of Moscow region - exploring native land and our travel plan for summer and autumn
Fuck Thailand, go to Hong Kong and Macau
Impressions of Moscow and useful conclusions after separation from family
Travel report with a group in the north of Thailand - 2000 km in 10 days
Insanely difficult 2012 - revelations and results
Fall 2012 travel blog finstrip - everything is real!
We are not lost, we just hid :)
The content of the article
- one 3 years without work
- 2 Work = rest
- 3 Great format, but something needs to be changed
- 4 Summary briefly
3 years without work
So what is the remarkable date of March 1st? I'm telling you. This is my first official day without work. Somewhere in the middle of February 2010, I was told that they would be laid off, and from March 1, I was finally free. True, according to the work book, I was free for a long time, they still did not formalize me in a normal way in two years, but that doesn't matter. Somehow I don't really count on retirement.
And in this date there is a small paradox that this blog appeared on January 15, 2010, that is, a few months before the dismissal. I was direct, as I knew, and probably subconsciously prepared for this event. And in fact, the date of dismissal is as important as the date of birth of the blog. But since they do not coincide, it would be too much to write about each of them, I could not choose in three years.
It's funny, I have been living for 3 years without a job, but at the same time I work much more than I did in the office. Before blogging, I never imagined that I could do one thing for so long without getting bored with it. There is probably a limit, but it has not yet arrived. Sometimes I just can't be pulled away from my work by the ears. And Egor is the only reason why I am now thinking about changing the format.
Once upon a time I did not take my laptop with me and wrote everything in a notebook
This is not a train, this is a motel like this
Field work is good when there are no mosquitoes
Even in the car, you can work if there is an inverter and the Internet
Working on the front porch in Phuket
And sometimes it is like this at home.
Work = rest
However, putting aside our personal problems, I want to tell you what interesting conclusions I have come to regarding work. Or it would be even more correct to say, not to conclusions, but to what format of work. And it consists in the fact that I have neither work nor rest :)
Seriously, I cannot differentiate between them. When I sit at the computer, I seem to be working, but I almost never get tired of it, although in theory people get tired of work. I remember how I strove to finish a boring working day as soon as possible, so that I could quickly come home, have dinner and watch a movie. Now I have almost no time for films. I'd rather sit, write another article or answer questions in the comments. And what happens if I stopped getting tired, as before, I am not drawn to rest, as I once had a rest, then what is it, work or rest? Or neither one nor the other?
I still haven't found the answer ... Yes, of course, I sometimes want to change activities, but not every weekday evening. And now I don't need the weekend, which I waited with such reverence for the whole working week. The best change of activity is to leave for Thailand for a month, and travel around it collecting material for the next articles. And what about such trips, work or leisure? It is also not clear at all.
Because of these incomprehensions, I am often put into a stupor by questions about how I rest. After all, I'm not particularly tired, I have nothing to rest from. And also a little surprised by the questions, on the contrary, am I tired of resting. Although I am at work all the time, even when traveling. As a result, some do not understand why I sit all day at the computer, earning not very big money, others, on the contrary, think that all I do is that I spit at the ceiling. But in principle, I don't care. By the way, I once wrote and posted a short sketch about what is blogger's working day.
Great format, but something needs to be changed
I do not want to say in any way that this is how it should be and so is correct. It may well be that in this situation, some efficiency of time allocation or something else is lost. It's just that I do, and it didn't happen on purpose. Maybe because I never wanted to work in the classical sense, but wanted to do what I loved first of all, and only then, so that it would bring money. Actually, I didn't need more.
But life goes on as usual, circumstances change, and now like it or not, you have to think about changing the format. I need to somehow learn to do what I do with the same pleasure, but much faster, so that there is more time for my son, and preferably with an increase in earnings. From the point of view of the ordinary world, the ideal way out is some kind of high-paying job that takes up little time. Perhaps, if I had it right away, then I would not have given up on this for a while, because any actions aimed purely at earning me are sucked out instantly. However, as a rule, they either go to such work for years, or initially everything is somehow differently arranged in the head, and this is not a job, but income from one's business. (I have friends who turn millions in a couple of hours a day).
So the question is open, I hope it will be possible to solve it in one way or another. Here I was offered an option with a coworking space in order to allocate, say, 5 hours just for work and without distraction for any other business, plus a working atmosphere and all that. And I even think to try something like that, but so far everything is complicated by the fact that my wife is used to me, that I am always on hand. And also the fact that I did not see such options so that it was possible to work it up for just a month without any obligations, because we have such changing plans, then we are there, then we are here.
However, I don't know if coworking is compatible with blogging. Just give me freedom, I will disappear all day long. And in financial terms, I can't say that this will somehow affect, only if in the long term. In general, while some thoughts :)
Summary briefly
A life
All is well, and if not for the circumstances, then what more could you wish for, almost all the goals of 2010 have been achieved. And when Yegor smiles, then everything is cool.!
Attendance 4000 visitors per day. The Tit200 / PR3 metrics, but they didn’t matter as I stopped selling links. Comments already about 15 thousand.
In principle, the blog infa is all here: Fall 2012 travel blog finstrip - everything is real!. And as I already said other occasional earnings, now I do not take into account.
We are tied to Moscow, but we do not lose hope of leaving, if not in the near future, then later. In fact, this is the most obscure aspect of our life. But any unpredictability carries some kind of mystery and adventure :)