Sights of Moscow region - exploring native land and our travel plan for summer and autumn

Having received many warm comments on the article about our changes in life, we once again thought how great it is that we are blogging and we have someone to support us. It is doubly great that our desire to continue this particular site coincided with almost all those who spoke out. Maybe later, of course, if there is a lot of information on the topic of children, then we will make a separate project, but for now this blog will be enough with interest..

I don’t know how often we will write about everyday life or just about us (initially it seemed to me not the most interesting, in comparison with trips to Asia and colorful photographs from there), but since everyone says that these are good topics, we will try. I will wait until thoughts for such posts come to mind. Well, or, if anyone has any ideas, what else we can talk about, then talk :)

Sights of the Moscow Region - our travel plan for the summer

Sights of the Moscow Region - our travel plan for the summer

Sights of Moscow region

Got a little off topic. I wanted to sketch out a plan for the next trips around the Moscow region and the nearest regions. Something we have a gap in this regard, but we have been living here for 30 years after all. It often happens, we travel to overseas countries, but we don't know what is near home. It would be necessary to improve, and life has to do that..

We made a similar plan of attractions when we participated in project Russia in 365 days, and also when you tried active entertainment - What to do in Moscow at the weekend. Very convenient, however. I don’t think of anything and dates so far, so I don’t write any how it will turn out.

Updated list of attractions (31.08.2012):

In fact, there are many more wishes, but this is something that is more or less realistic to accomplish this summer. If anyone wishes to join or suggest some of their attractions, you are welcome. Practice has shown that de-virtualization is a good thing, since it is much more interesting to communicate live, and not through social networks. Yes, and you need to breathe fresh air.

P.S. By the way, I recently thought about my old article. What's stopping you from traveling, where I wrote that there are no barriers. Then, someone wrote to me about various circumstances beyond our control. So I still think it’s not a matter of circumstances. At the moment, it is not circumstances that interfere with us, but the desire to do completely different things, which we prioritize for ourselves. That is, we would rather be in Moscow and go to doctors than to go to Thailand :) I don’t know how anyone, but this realization makes life much easier for me.

stay with us!