What to see in Kolomna in one day or weekend

Kolomna is located very close to Moscow, and you can easily go there, both for one day and for the weekend. Although, of course, in the summer it is better to go on weekdays, or at least shift the trip so as not to get into the main stream of summer residents. The sights in Kolomna are quite standard, and just 1-2 days will be enough to see the most basic, you should not count on something special.

See also my post - A selection of cheap hotels with the best reviews and ratings. You will most likely come for the weekend and you will need to stay somewhere for the night..

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Author's excursions

For those who want to save time on preparing for the trip and immerse themselves more fully in the atmosphere and history of the city, I would recommend using the services of a private guide in Kolomna. In my opinion, individual excursions are much more interesting than organized excursions with their large number of people and a hackneyed program. Moreover, with a private guide, you can always agree on a convenient time and day for you..

Below are selected high-quality author's excursions, see if something will suit you. First of all, pay attention to the excursion «Breath of history».

Excursions in Kolomna>

What to see in Kolomna

Kolomna Kremlin

The entrance to the Kolomna Kremlin is guarded by the quarter. Everything is as it should be - a form, a stylized wooden booth and a barrier. True, the quarter is still not real, just one of the tourist attractions that have recently appeared in Kolomna. Historically, the Kolomna Kremlin was not only a fortification, but also a harmonious architectural ensemble. Unfortunately, over the years it fell into decay and remained in a very deplorable state until recently. After the restoration, the Kremlin acquired its present, well-groomed and eye-pleasing appearance. On the large territory of the Kremlin, not only a functioning monastery, churches, but also residential buildings and even a school have been preserved. You can walk along the paths, imagining yourself as a time traveler, plunge into Russian antiquity and the atmosphere of a county town. On the territory of the Kremlin there is a parking lot, a cafe, a local history museum, souvenir shops and shops. Tourists will be interested in taking a ride around the Kremlin in an omnibus (horse-drawn carriage). A coachman in a historical costume, who is also a guide, will tell the history of the cultural landscape around, legends and entertaining facts. Such a walk costs 250 rubles. More about the Kolomna Kremlin.

Kolomna Kremlin

Museum of local lore

Pastila Museum in Kolomna

Excursion cost: 350 rubles

Kolomenskaya marshmallow is one of the symbols of the city. There are actually two marshmallow museums in Kolomna. One focuses more on the technology of making marshmallows, in the other in question, the tour is an interactive presentation on the topic of tea drinking. The museum is located in an old architecture, a wooden house with several rooms. You must sign up for a theatrical excursion in advance (you can try it on the same day in the morning). Actors in historical costumes act out scenes, during which the guide leads the story, and the audience tastes different varieties of marshmallow. It sounds tempting, but in fact ... read my link. The varieties of marshmallow you like can be bought in a shop at the museum (quite expensive, 250-500 rubles per pack). In the courtyard of the museum, in the open air, there is a cafe with several tables. Here you can order ice cream and drink tea with the same marshmallow. More about the Pastila Museum.

Kolomna Pastila Museum

Kolomensky kalach

Entrance fee: from 350 rubles; excursion - 250 rubles

The museum is small, but very interesting, it tells about the traditional Kolomna kalachi, which are baked right there, in a real oven from the middle of the 19th century, using a special technology. There is a shop at the museum where you can buy fresh rolls. A tour of the museum is a theatrical interactive performance, where they tell and show the process and technology of making rolls, accompanied by tasting. It is necessary to register for a tour in the museum in advance.

Kalacha Museum

Museum of the Origin: «This money is Kolomiya»

Entrance fee: 200 rubles, excursion - 100 rubles

A small and a bit cramped museum with only two rooms (one of them is in the basement). The guides tell quite interesting stories for adults, but small children will be bored. The exposition of the museum includes rare coins, gives an idea of ​​the evolution of money in the old Russian principalities, especially in Kolomenskoye. Here you can see the hryvnia and a half, find out why the ruble is called the ruble.

Zoo Gorki

Entrance ticket: 250 rubles, children under 7 years old - free

The zoo is located in the Kolomna district, in the village of Gorki. This zoo is notable for the fact that animals can be fed here (food is sold at the entrance, 50 rubles per bag) and touched - i.e. contact zoo. This is especially popular with children. Here you can also ride horses and a camel, there are many animals, there is a shop with farm products (milk, sour cream), a cafe. The animals are well-groomed, the enclosures are spacious, the territory is clean. There are yaks, cows, poultry, rabbits, deer, pigs, horses, raccoons and other animals. A good place to relax with the whole family, leaves a pleasant impression.

Museum project «Art communal apartment. Museum. Workshop. Erofeev and others»

Entrance fee: from 350 rubles, excursion - from 150 rubles

A new creative museum that tells about the communal life of the recent past (1960s). There are usual sightseeing tours and interactive ones, in the form of a theatrical performance (you must register in advance), during which actors in costumes of the corresponding era talk about communal life and its peculiarities. This excursion usually ends in the kitchen with a tea party. The performance will be interesting for both adults and children. In the museum apartment you can get acquainted not only with the life of the last century, but also with the paintings of various contemporary artists participating in the project: each of them provides works for a personal exhibition, conducts classes and creative conversations. More about Artkommunalka.

Museum Artkommunalka

Museum «Kuznechnaya Sloboda»

Ticket price: free or for a donation at the discretion of the visitor

The museum occupies only one room, but the exposition is very entertaining and informative - various forged objects are exhibited here, the result of the labor of blacksmiths. It is better and more interesting to walk around the museum with a guide who will tell you about the history and purpose of each thing. The collection of the museum contains both household items (irons, scales), and old armor, weapons. The program also includes an interactive excursion to the smithy. There is a souvenir shop at the museum.

The estate of the merchants Lazhechnikovs

Entrance to the estate - 80 rubles,
Excursion around the estate - 100 rubles,
Program «Secrets of the old manor» - 250 rubles,
Program «Cinema in the estate of the Lazhechnikov merchants» - 100 rubles

The estate is located next to the Kolomna Kremlin, in the center of the city. This historical monument of the mid-18th-19th centuries is associated with the name of Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov, writer, author of the famous historical novel «Ice house». In this place, the writer spent his childhood and adolescence, the house belonged to the grandfather and father of Ivan Ivanovich. In 1981, the main house of the estate was transferred to the city department of culture, where a literary museum was created. Now it is a branch of the Kolomna Museum of Local Lore. Museum permanent exhibition «Kolomna of the past centuries» tells about the merchant life, the life of the first Russian historical novelist I.I. Lazhechnikov. By ordering an excursion at the museum, you can learn a lot about the structure of the estate, the customs of merchants. At the end, visitors are shown a silent bw film from 1916 «Ice house», accompanied by the game of the pianist and the comments of the museum staff. The museum also hosts interactive outdoor programs in the form of a theatrical performance, with actors in costumes. You must book tickets for these programs in advance.. More about the house-museum of the Lazhechnikovs.

The Lazhechnikovs' estate

Monument to the water carrier

The monument was opened in 2012, is located on the banks of the Moscow River, opposite the floating hotel «40th Meridian. Arbat», at the end of Vodovozny lane. The figure of a water carrier next to the barrel, accompanied by a dog, is equipped with a mug where you can throw coins «for luck». Until 1902, when the first Kolomna water supply system was built, water carriers took water from the Moscow River and sold it in buckets. The monument reminds residents and guests of modern Kolomna about this specific and already disappeared profession and is a good reason to remember and tell children the history of Kolomna life.

Museum «School of crafts»

Entrance fee: 80 rubles
Interactive thematic programs: from 120 rubles

A small museum with a cozy and homely atmosphere, located in a real hut of the 19th century and acquaints visitors with the structure of folk life, its history. Here you can see many different handicrafts, interior items, dolls. The museum also has a school with a large number of different thematic programs for children, interactive excursions and master classes. For example, the program «Izba. Seni. Doll», a workshop on making a rag doll or a game program «Seasons» with a tea party. In addition, there are programs dedicated to the holidays: Christmas, Maslenitsa. Programs must be ordered in advance. The walls of the museum are decorated with ancient household items and various products of folk art made by the staff and students of the school. In the room where tea parties are held, the walls are completely covered with colorful patches. At the entrance to the museum, each visitor is given cloth sandals.

Museum of Housing and Communal Services Development in Kolomna

Entrance fee: free

The museum opened quite recently, in 2014. It is located in the building of the first pumping station of Kolomna (built at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1902, the inner space of the museum in the form of a cylinder was previously a water reservoir), next to the Marina tower of the Kolomna Kremlin. In the center of the only museum hall there is a model of a water tower by engineer Shukhov. The exposition on several tiers along the perimeter of the walls of the hall tells about the origin and development of the municipal economy of the city. Among the exhibits are manhole covers, a column, plates with house numbers, many photographs and panoramas of the city. Museum organizer - Alexander Evgenievich Denisov, one of the main local historians of Kolomna.

Museum of housing and communal services - on the left, small

Favorite Toy Museum

Entrance fee: 100 rubles; excursion - 200 rubles

The Toy Museum is on the ground floor, in the same building as the Museum «Kuznechnaya Sloboda». The exposition occupies a very small space, there are only a few showcases with a collection of old toys, which is constantly replenished with new exhibits. These are mainly dolls. The owner of the museum conducts a rather long excursion, telling in detail and interestingly about almost every exhibit in the collection and the technology of making toys. The collection contains both rare toys of the 19th century and quite common Soviet ones. Some of the exhibits can be touched, children can play with them. It will be quite tiring for preschoolers to listen to the excursion, but for older children it should be interesting.

Kolomna Museum of Local Lore

Entrance fee: 40 rubles; excursion - 60 rubles, photography - 50 rubles.

The museum is located in a two-story building. It is small, but quite informative. Excellent guides work here, who, among other things, can advise where else to go in Kolomna, what interesting things can be seen in this city. The exposition of the museum tells about the almost thousand-year history of the city of Kolomna. As always in the local history museums, there is an exposition of the flora and fauna of the Kolomna Territory, which occupies two halls of the museum. The other two rooms show the history of the settlement of the area by people, archaeological finds, the history of the construction and defense of the Kolomna Kremlin and merchant household items.

Epiphany Staro-Golutvin Monastery

The monastery was founded at the end of the XIV century by Sergius of Radonezh, not far from the confluence of the Moskva River and the Oka. Now it is the outskirts of Kolomna. The history of the monastery is rich in various events. In the 17th century, the Golutvin Monastery was the richest and most influential monastery in the Kolomna district. At the Zemsky Sobor in 1613, which elected Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov to the throne, the townspeople of Kolomna were represented by the abbot of the Golutvin Monastery, Abraham Abraham. In 1929 the monastery was closed and various institutions were located there. Now the Staro-Golutvin Monastery is a quiet and well-groomed place, in the summer there are many flowers, there are hives and even greenhouses. The monastery has recently been restored; a large building of the Kolomna Theological Seminary was built on the territory of the former monastery garden. In the Epiphany Cathedral there is a shrine with the relics of St. Theodosius, Bishop of Kolomna.

Attractions Map

Kolomna landmarks

Cool house for rent in Kolomna:
Lazhechnikov's estate:
Kolomna Kremlin:
Artkommunalka Museum:
Kalach Museum:
Museum of Pastila (for the disappeared taste):
Pastila Museum (factory):
Supermarket Disks:
Museum of Local Lore:
Monument to the water carrier:
Locomotive Monument:
Old Golutvinsky Monastery:
Kolomensky Museum of Money:
Contact zoo Gorki:
Museum 'Kuznechnaya Sloboda':
Museum 'School of Crafts':
Museum of housing and communal services:
Favorite Toy Museum:
Skating center 'Kolomna':
Peace Park:
John the Baptist Church:
Church of St. Nicholas on Posada:
Assumption Brusensky Monastery:
Assumption Brusensky Monastery:
Monument to Dmitry Donskoy:
Museum shop 'Trade in soap G.I. Suranova ':
Museum of the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant:
The Cherkizovo estate and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at the Starki churchyard:
Museum of Military Glory:

P.S. Some sights will seem to someone to be sucked from a finger, but what is, that is ... It is worth going at least once for the weekend.